Wilmington News-Journal from Wilmington, Ohio (2024)

and Saturday; is, slowly rising temCloudy, probably snow tonight Two Sections THE WEATHER WILMINGTON NEWS-JOURNAL Pages Today 12 Saturday. PRESS LEASED WIRE NEWS SERVICE. FULL ASSOCIATED WILMINGTON, OHIO, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1929. PRICE THREE THIRD YEAR, NO. 35.

Snook Is Denied New Trial By Court Of Appeals STORMY CONGRESS SESSION NEARS END CAPITOL HILL TO BE SILENT ENTIRE WEEK Period Of Rest Voted Before Continuing Battle On The Tariff Measure HOUSE ADJOURNS AT NOON Senate, To Assemble At 9:15 Tonight To End Fiery Special Session WASHINGTON, Nov. 22-UP)Unable to make any progress with the tariff bill, the Senate recessed at 12:32 P. M. tocay until 9:45 o'clock tonight, fifteen minutes before the special session adjourns sine die. -Chairman Smoot, of the Finance Committee, mace several attempts to obtain action on amendments to various including those affecting wool, silk, papers and books, but each time indications pointed to extensive arguments.

Senator Couzens, Republican, a member of the Committee, proposed the recess after stating (Continued On Page Seven) SENATE SESSION HALTED BY SMOKE WASHINGTON, Nov. 22-(P)- The Senate found a new reason for stopping, work at the close of Session. Smoke from a sixalarm fire near the capitol filtered into the senate chamber to such an extent as to become unpleasantly noticeable and Senator Copeland of New. York, a physician, moved for a recess on behalf of the health of the members. The usual night session was abandoned.

After bringing the day's session to a close, many of the Senators stood and watched the firemen battle. the blaze. BORER RESISTING CORN STRAIN IS DEVELOPED LONDON, Nov. 22-(P)- Development of a strain of corn which resists the ravages of the European corn borer has been announced by A. R.

Marston, Superintendent of Michigan Corn Borer Experimental Station at. Monroe, Mich. In an address before the Entomological Society of Ontario, yes: terday, Mr. Marston said Maize Amargo, a South American strain, had been cross bred with Duncan, Golden Glow and Red Cobb Ensilage strains and then inbred to produce a corn which was immune to the corn borer. TWO KILLED AS BANDITS ATTACK BULGARIAN TRAIN LONDON, Nov.

22-(AP) -Bulgarian bandits attacked the Simplon Orient Express, crack Europen train, as it neared the passenger Jugoslavian-Bulgarian frontier yesterday afternoon, robbing and shooting passengers. A Vienna dispatch to Reuter's News Agency said two passengers were killed and several others wounded. The robbers went through the train from end to end, robbing everyone aboard and shooting at the least sign of resistance. FORMER CANTON MAYOR DIES FROM HEART SHOCK CANTON, Nov. 22- (AP) -Stanford M.

Swarts, 62, Mayor of Canton, 1926 to 1928, died suddenly last. night following a heart attack. In the afternoon Swarts had attended the funeral service of his friend, Judge A. W. Alger.

Soon after returning home he complained of feeling 111 and expired several hours later. Clemenceau Fighting For His Plane Wrecked In Crash On Roof Press telephoto of the wreckage of a plane piloted by Charles Reid, 35, of Manhatwho crashed into the roof of an apartment building in the heart of New York City after tail. while flyng over Central Park. Reid was killed instantly. His tan, the plane went into a spin companion, Robert J.

Bailie, 24, a lion tamer, escaped by a parachute jump. Photo shows the wreckage of the plane as seen fro.n the roof of an adjoining building. TIDAL WAVE DEATH TOLL ON ISLAND COAST MOUNTS 14 PERISH AS WINTER STRIKES Unseasonal Snow And Cold In Many States Take Heavy Toll Of Life (By The Associated Press) Unseasonal snow, 'and cold, sweeping down from the northwest, attacked the middle west, the east and the south last night and today, causing. 14 known deaths. Temperatures went as low as 16 degrees below.

zero in Thief River Falls, and the snow piled up 19 inches deep at Dunkirk, N. as far south as Alabama and Louisiana the white blanket cover. ed the land. Four persons. were killed at Erie, when a New York Central passenger train, 45 minutes late, struck automobiles in a heavy snow storm." Near Dallas, Texas, an automo: bile with its windshield with snow, collided with an interur.

(Continued on page seven) ROBBERS SHOOT WAY OUT OF HOTEL TRAP MINNEAPOLIS, Nov. 22-(P)- Two gunmen, trapped in the basem*nt of the Oak Grove Hotel after they had failed in an attempt to hold up the place, shot their way! to freedom today as the clerk and the night watchman sought to capture them. No one was injured. Guests, awakened by the firing, crowded the lobby after the short The gunmen fled in an gun automobile with two other men. RAILROADER DEAD COLUMBUS, Nov.

22- (P) liam E. Hopwood, 71, a Hocking Valley railroad worker, died here today after an extended illness. He was a native of Mt. Vernon. SLIGHT HOPES ARE HELD FOR HIS RECOVERY Encroachment Of Disease Is Causing French Statesman Intense Agony PHYSICIANS ARE ALARMED Long Illness.

Has Sapped His Strength, They DeclareCrisis Nears BULLETIN PARIS, Nov. 22-(P)-Dr. Degennes, member of the medical staff attending former Premier Clemenceau, late today said the death of "The Tiger" appeared only a question of hours. The physician said that the former premier was suffering from a crisis of uraemia which already had lasted 18 hours and could not possibly last another 24. Life PARIS.

Nov. 22-(P)-Former Premier Georges Clemenceau this afternoon was making a magniticent and what many of those close to him consider his last fight for Suffering intense agony, the 88- year old French statesman was being watched constantly by his phy. sicians and members of his family. Even injections of morphine gave (Continued On Page Four) ROTHSTEIN LOSSES IN GAME REVEALED. NEW YORK, Nov.

22-(P) Meyer Boston, told the jury in the trial of George McManus for the murder of Arnold Rothstein today that Rothstein lost, $300,000 instead of $200,000 in the famous stud poker game two months before he was killed. And for all but $2,000 of it, Boston said, the big boss of the gambling world in New York gave 0.1 U's." "There was a pile of cash on the table in front of Rothstein when I pulled out a couple of hours before the end," said Boston. "And did he keep that?" asked Ferdinand assistant District Attorney. "Yes," was -Boston's reply. LAST RITES HELD FOR WAR SECRETARY CEDAR RAPIDS Nov.

22- (P) the bright rays of a November sun, the military cortege of James W. Good, late Secretary of War, today moved: along the streets of his home city to Oak Hill cemetery. He was buried at 12:40 o'clock on a hill top in a cemetery a few miles from his birth place on an Iowa farm. A brief service at the First Presbyterian Church, where hundreds were turned away, bespoke esteem in which all Iowa held the late Secretary of War. Dr.

Harry Morehouse Gage, president of. Coe College, and Dr. Robert Little, pastor of the church, spoke words of consolation and tribute. ADMITS ARSON LANCASTER, Nov. 22- Pm Pleading guilty to an arson charge, Virgil Southers, 25, of Columbus, was held to the grand jury under $2,000 bond here, today, Arthur and Albert.

Sisco, brothers, of Columbus, held in the same case, pleaded not guilty and will be given a preliminary hearing next Tuesday. Builders Confer With Hoover On Business Plans FLIER IS HUNTED ON SIBERIAN COAST Preparations for an aerial expedition to to the aid of Carl Ben Elelson, above, noted Arctic aviator, whose -wrecked plane has been reported down on the coast of Siberia, are being made at Teller, Alaska. Elelson has been removing the passengers of an icebound ship, the Nanuk, to Alaska by: air. SEVEN PROBES OF EXPLOSION ARE Blast In Capital's Business District, Which Killed 5. To Be Investigated WASHINGTON, Nov.

22-4AP) The cause of an explosion in down town Washington which brought death to tive persons and injuries to many more was the subject today of seven investigations. The disaster, which occurred late yesterday in a Seventh street five and ten cent store crowded with shoppers, shattered the front of the store, littered the thoroughfare with debris. The injured, numbered more than forty. Five are not expected to recover. Victims of the explosion (Continued on page seven) ARCHITECT INDICTED ON BRIBERY CHARGE CANTON, Nov.

22-(AP)-Albert L. Thayer, prominent Newcastle, architect, designer of Stark county's new $1,000,000 tuberculosis Hospital and a number of school houses in Canton, was indicted today by the Stark county grand jury on a charge of soliciting a bribe. The indictment grows out af alleged manipulations by the architect. of the general specifications on; which contractors bidding on the work in connection with the construction of the institution, based their proposals. It involves the much discussed "linoleum contract." WILLEBRANDT SAYS PRISONS BREED CRIME WASHINGTON, Nov.

22-(P)- The Federal prisons were termed "cess pools of crime," by Mrs. Mabel Walker Willebrandt last night in an address delivered here. As a former assistant atattorney general, Mrs. Willebrandt was in charge of the prison bureau as well as the prohibition activities of the Justice Department. "Every year," she, said, "four hundred thousand convicts are turned loose to enter society and contaminate or influence it with a mental attitude of crime given them in jail." DECISION OF LOWER COURT IS AFFIRMED PRESIDENT IS PLEASED WITH PARLEY MOVES Afternoon Of Discussion In Store For Leaders Of Building Activity FARM ORGANIZATIONS TO Send Representatives To The Capital Next Week For "Shop" Talks WASHINGTON, Nov.

22- (P) Pleased with the far reaching agreement entered into by indus trial and labor leaders to maintain wage stability. during the present business situation, President Hoover today turned to representatives in the general building field for cooperation in the Nation wide pro gram for promotion of economic progress. More than for contractors, manufacturers, and real, estate boards were in Washington for an afternooti conference the White House, On Monday the Chief Executive Continued On Page Four EXCHANGE BOARD VOTES NORMAL DAY NEW YORK, Nov. 22-(P)-The Board of Governors of the New York Stock Exchange today voted to resume normal 5-hour. trading sessions on Monday of next week, but to close the Exchange all day on Friday and Saturday, November 29 and 30, in addition to the regular Thanksgiving holiday on Thursday.

Since the election day holiday, November 5, the Stock Exchange has been open for trading but three hours, from 10 A. M. to 1 P. on all week days save Saturday, when it has been closed all day. This schedule has been in effect this week, and the exchange will be closed all day tomorrow.

GAS COMPANY RATE APPEAL CONTINUED COLUMBUS, Nov. 22-(P)-The appeal of the West Ohio Gas Company from a rate ordinance in Lima was continued here today until January 8 by the State Utilities Commission. Harry Allensworth, Engineer for the city of Lima, yesterday submitted valuation on the property. Continuance is for the purpose of giving the company time to prepare for cross examination of the city's witness, Allensworth. CORONER PLANS INQUEST DESPITE DEATH BELIEF TOLEDO, Nov.

22- (P)-Although belleying that Helen Schuster, 16, whose body was found 10 miles west of here last night, was the victim of a hit-skip driver, Cor. oner Frank G. Kreft planned to hold an inquest today. HELD IN SHOOTING COLUMBUS, Nov. 22-(P)- Miss Helen Balley, 24, was near death today with a bullet wound in her right temple.

Wayne Blackstone, 30, arrested yesterday for investigation following the shooting in the woman's apartment, told police she shot herself after an argument with him. Pleas Of Error In Trial Of Doctor Held Unfounded By Three Jurists COUNSEL WILL SEEK STAY Of Execution For Slayer 01 Of University Co-ed, Set For November.29 COLUMBUS, Nov. 22- (P) Dr. James Howard Snook, convicted murderer of Miss Theora K. Hix, today was denied a new trial by the Second Ohio District Court of Appeals.

Snook, sentenced to be electrocuted the night of November 29, was expected to carry him case to the State Supreme Court Snook had filed an error proceed. claiming he was note given a fair trial, and was, not given suf cient time in which to prepare his case. The Appeals how ever, affirmed the lower Court's finding and sentence or death. The opinion was delivered with all three Appeals Court Judges on the bench Albert H. Kunkle, of Springfield, Presiding Judge; James Allread, Continued Un Page Four WORKMEN KILLED IN FALL FROM STACK NEW YORK, Nov.

-22 (P) Three workmen who were cleaning the interior of a huge smokestack in Brooklyn fell to their deaths yes. terday, but the fact was not diss covered until today. hiv. the wife of one of the victims, whor failed to reach home last night, led to the discovery of the bodies. The men went to work yesterday noon scraping the inside of the 160-foot chimney.

Their scaffolding apparently collapsed. MINCE PIE, NOT LIQUOR--JUDGE SETS MAN FREE OMAHA, Nov. 22-(P) -There is no law against it but Harry R. Grunke was arrested for eating mince pie. Really, the charge was drunkenness and reckless driving; but the Court decided it was mince pie.

"I had eaten two fine, big slabs of mince pie, Your Honor," explained Grunke. "The pie was highly flavored with wine. 1 like it that way. I never drink." The arresting officer said that although Grunke's breath bespoke alcohol, Grunke appeared perfectly sober. The Court held in favor of the pie.

AUDITOR ORDERS BIG SUM REFUNDED COLUMBUS, Nov. 22-(P) -J. P. Muncer has been ordered by a State Examiner for the State, Auditor to return a payment of $500, and the Cleveland Trust Company to return of $20,335.18, held to complete a deal for purchase of 11 acres of land by the Willoughby rural school. The Examiner found that the purchase was illegal because the School Board planned to pay for it from operating expenses, leaving only a little more than $500 in the operating fund to run the school for two months.

SIXTEEN FLEE BEFORE FIRE NEAR APARTMENTS TOLEDO, Nov. 22- (P)-Sixteen persons were forced to flee from their apartments early today, when fire destroyed the adjoining building housing the Hoffman brothers furniture company. Damage was estimated at $30,000.. The fire is believed to have started from spontaneous combustion. BUILDINGS ARE CARRIED AWAY Steamers Bring Reports Of Disaster Along South Shore Of Island ST.

JOHNS, N. Nov. 22-(AP) -The toll of death and damage from a tidal wave which swept the -coast of the Burin Peninsula after Monday's earthquake mounted today as scattering reports filtered in here from the devastated sections. A heavy snowstorm was reported along the coast. Reports.

i in some cases conflicted but a check-up indicated at least forty deaths had resulted in various places along the Peninsula. Owing to interrupted telegraphic service, few details were received at government offices here where relief work was being organized. The government steamer Meigle, carrying doctors and nurses and medical supplies and provisions, was sent out from here and is expected to reach the scene of devastation this afternoon, by which time government officials hoped to have communications restored. STEEL WORKERS WAGES NOT TO BE REDUCED YOUNGSTOWN, Nov. There will be no reduction in the wages of workers in the Steel industry, J.

A. Campbell, President of Youngstown Sheet and Tube Company declared today. Mr. Campbell who has been in conterence with business. and -inleaders in New York, said that from all reports received general business conditions are sound.

ROBBED OF JEWELS HAMILTON, Nov, 22- (A) -The R. F. McComb jewelry store here was robbed of rings and jewels valued at $350 today by thieves who used stones to break a show I window. CINCINNATIAN IS NAMED FOR COURT CONTEMPT CINCINNATI, Nov. 22- (P) bert H.

Mosby. wealthy patent medicine manufacturer, was under citation to show cause why he should not be held, in contempt of Court for non-payment of. tempor. ary alimony as taking of. depost: tions in his divorce suit continued today.

Mosby is asking a divorce from Roberta Apperhart Mosby, who has filed an answer and cross petition charging him with neglect and indescretions with another man. She was granted. $1,000 a month temporary alimony pending the out. come of the suits, and $1,000 for preliminary expense. CONSTRUCTION OF PLANE.

FACTORY BEING RUMORED ST. CLAIRSVILLE, Nov. 22 (P) -The Ohio Valley Industrial Corporation of Wheeling, W. Van tor day acquired title to 79 acres of land near Shadyside. It is generally believed here that the land 15 to be used as a site for an airplane.

construction factory. Titles in the case revealed that the 79-acre tract was part of more than 10,000 acres granted to Toon Hopkins, of New. York City, in 1789 for $5,365.58 "in good American money. COMMISSION APPROVES CROSSING ELIMINATION COLUMBUS. Nov.

22-- (P) The State Utilities Commission today affirmed an order of State Highway Director Robert N. Wald for the elimination of a grade crossing Brecksville, Cuyahoga County, on the Twinsboro and Elyria road. The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad has appealed from the elimination order..

Wilmington News-Journal from Wilmington, Ohio (2024)
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