Aberdeen Journal, and General Advertiser for the North of Scotland from Aberdeen, Aberdeen, Scotland (2024)


THE MARQUIS OF LORNB IN GLASGOW. EFFICIENCY OF VOLUNTEERS. session ef the Aberdeen District Lodge of Good' The Lord President and a jury yesterday heard evidence in an action at the instance Lord Lome, M.P,, was present last nighfc at the annual regimental gathering of the Glasgow will take longer time ia certain circ*mstances, will Uo reasonably impossible. It will depend on the time that the snow will remain on the ground. You may hare such a fall of suow that the strength which it is possible to pat on it at any reasonable expense could not clear it away.

It must be left to the public authority to do its beat iu the ciroum-stanoes, aud if the public authority fail in that, I am at a loss to see why the Tramway Company should be found fault with, for what is done is exactly the first process the public authority would have to go through, namely. ffhlanders in St Andrew nan mere, of Isabella Home, domestic servant, Corn-catterach, Gartlv. against Alex. Spence, farmer. and distributed the prizes won during the Besson.

His lordship wore evening Finelennie, Rhyme. Pursuer claim ad 250 as damages 'or breach of promise of marriage. drees, and, in the course of hin remarks, he apologised for not appearing iu the costume Counsel, tn opening for the pursuer, put a stop to the things complained and on this he referred to au application in England against Charley's Aunt." Lord Traynor What is that (Laughter.) Mr Abel It is the name of a plny, my lord. (Laughter.) It was in 1893. Lord Trayner I aw a placard on the streets some days ago Charley's Aunt running still." (Laughter.) She was aot interdicted Mr Abel She was not interdicted.

Lord Trayner It was not aa objection that Charley's Aunt did hoc run on the streets, but that there was an obstruction on the street. Mr Abel said crowds collected round the theatre door so that the door of a man living near was blocked, and he applied i'or interdict to prevent people gathering there. An arrangement was come to but the plaintiff got expenses. Mr Justice North spoke in favour of the application. Lord Young People go in crowds to see dis which was alwavs such a terror to their to cleur a road in the middle of the street.

enemies, and was so much admired by artists and ladies: but he imd just come from said she was 28 years of age, and when 19, went at Mtirtiuinas, 1889, to defender's farm rs a servant. After six months he began to pay her marked attention, and courtship Therefore, it seems to me that on the first part of this case there is no ground whatever tor Manchester, aud in the Midland Counties, AMERICAN COMMERCIAL PRICES, SHJS STOCK MARKET, (THROtTGH DaLZIBL'S AOBNCY.) New York, FricUo Walt Street to-day was ia a comolete stte'rt panic, the result of more serious vieivs 0i tv Venezuelan situation. 5 The market opened flat, but soon becsa panicky oa advices from London indicate slump in prices there, and on rumours th-' London firms will withdraw large credits The result was an average decline of ftq to 10 points, the small short interest and" 'I limited demand making buyers very teir-' There was general pressure to sell owinto-t' exhausted margins and apprehensions cunce- ing the political and currency situation. Duriog the afternoon prices rallied i points, but in spile of this very little" cJ fidence ia felt by operators. Gold to the value of 3,400,000 dols, ttjj shipped to-morrow, and more is exnected to next week.

Money had a very heavy rise, asd bank. acting with great caution. Conservative opik, here is radically opposed to the position tab, up by President Cleveland, and the members of tho Boston Exchange have appointed a com mittee to remonstrate with the granting interdict they are doing no wrong becan. The parties were on affectionate terms, esneciallv Derbv. the recollection of a whatever in clearing the centre of the street.

certain invasion was so vivid that andinSmonths defender established considerable imnnM nv.r ha. ut.fl nhl'M wan lldPtl Oil 3rd Then in regard to the second part, here wc jBebruarv, 1892. About the end the yea-', come mto a rlitlerent region auogetner, tor i is arcued not merely as a question of obstruc man hardly dared to appear in the kilt. (Laughter aud applause.) He urged the importaace of the volunteers insisting upon all-round efficiency. It was far better to have a small number of efficients than a lares number of non-efficients.

He also owing to her condition, she had left the farm audjresided in Huntly. Defender frequently tion by snow, but as a question of injury done to persons using the street in consequence of the use of salt amone the snow. If we were visited her, made protestations of love to her, anr? seat her letters, and to express our own opinion, aud to give judgment on our ODinion as to the propriety of urged that attention should be paid to shooting. The regiment had a very good range within they conducted themselves as parties engaged to be married. The intimacy previously had been carried on secretly, without the know a comuarativelv short distance.

Other towns, however ou the ground that it was impossible to get ranges cried out for the expropriation sf ledge of purouer'3 mother, but defender now pressed her to return to his service, and she did so in March, 1892. Defender thereupon visited her at her father's house, and wrote to her lands. He thougiit mat very proper ana reason able, if suthcient price were paid lor tne lanci. as his dear wife, but two years after he did not mumbuh. To-day.

recognise bar at a market, and said she would pntt, WIFE MU.RD.Ebi IN LONDON. win money, U.S. Govt. LAURENCEKIRK, Thr Post Ofpior and Nbw Year's Bat. It has been arranged that New Sear's Day will be observed here as a holiday in the post office.

There will be only one delivery, and the office will only be open for telegraph business and the sale of stamps. EOHT. co*kcskt. The annual concert of the Edit Hortus was held this week in Kirkton Public School, and was a decided success. Notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather, the schoolroom was well filled.

The programme consisted oi selections on the piano, songs, and recitations. All the performers were amateurs, with the exception of Mr Donald. Munro, Banchory, whose recitations and comic songs fairly "brought down the house." After the concert, a dance took place in the Baloarres Hall, about 50 couples being present. OLDMELDRUM. Annual PLouoama Match.

The anuual ploughing match in connection with Oldmeldrum Ploughing Association was held ou Thursday on the farm of Ardfork, The weather was most unfavourable, rain falling ths whole day. Only 17 ploughs entered the contst. 'The judges were Messrs William Gall, Smiddyburn, Fy vie John Low, Balvack, Monymusk and John JSilloh, Barra Castle and their awards were as follows Ploughing 1 and Highland Society's medal Alexander Beaton, Aberdeen 2 Alexander M'Crae, Home Farm, Straloali 3 William Kuchan, Mains of Inverebrie 4 Alexander Niven, Home Farm, Straloch 5 Robert Maekie, Newton, Mounie 6 George Ewan, Home Farm, B'ingask 7 James Bae, Oakhill 8 David Donaldson, Whitefleid 9 John Donald, Ardievin. Jeering Alexander M'Crae. Beat mids Alexander Beaton.

Straightest furrows Alexander Niven. Neatest ends David Craig, Oldmeldrum. Harness 1 William Adie, Lethcn, Fyvie 2 John Donald, Ardievin 4 William Law, Muirton, Barra 5 Alexander M'Crae 6 Charles Iuglis, Fawells, Keith-hall 7 Alexander Niven and 8 David Donaldson. Grooming 1 James Eae, 2 John Donald, 3 Wm. Law.

Best decorations William Law. Rest done up mare with tape William Law. Neatest done up pair of horses William Best rolled mane with segs James Rac During the competition the ploughmen were liberally supplied with refreshments by Mrs Alexander and the judges, committee, and a few friends were entertained to dinner by Mrs Alexander. The arrangements of the committee, of which Mr James M'Donald was secretary, were most satisfactory. repent it if she married nun.

The purser, in the course of evidence bear Bonds 6 p.c, 2t p.c. itmpiars was held es Thursday the union Halls, St Paul Street, In the absenoe of Brother Ross, D.C.T., Brother M. Robertson, District Deputy, presided. After some routine business, including ths initiation of five candidates, Bro. Robertson drew attention to the efforts at present being made for the formation of a United Tcmperauce Board for the city.

The lodge instructed him to attend the meetings called for the purpose, and give hearty support to the proposal, it being understood that the details of the scheme would be submitted to the lodga before being finally adopted. Banks of Don Lodqe ok Oddfbi.i.ows. The annual meeting of this lodge was held in the Trades Council BuildingB ou the office-bearers for the ousuiug year were elected, the. principal of whom were: W.M., Bro. Wilson; D.M., Bro.

Bowman; P.M., Bro. Smith secretary, Bro. M'Kenzie treasurer, Bro. Cassie recording secretary, Bro. Kinghorn guardiau, Bro.

Hay. Dr M'Combie was reappointed medical attendant of ttie members. A financial statement was submitted, from which it was shown that the lodge is iu a very Nourishing condition. It was intimated that the membership is now 350, being an increase on last year of 97. During the year a new branch was opened at Ballater.

Cantata bit Frbb East Church Choik. In this church last evening an enjoyable performance was given by the church choir of Sterndale Bennett's sacred cantata "The Woman of Samaria." The soloists were Miss Mary Burnett (soprano), Miss L. Christie (contralto). Mr W. Arthur (bass), and Mr J.

A. Goodlad (tenor). The church was comfortably filled. The choir, who were undoubtedly a finely-balanced body, rendered their various choruses tastefully and accurately, as was to be expected from the tuition of their rccompliohed conductor, Mr Forrest. It is needless to dwell on the merits of the soloists, all of whom are well known as capable and experienced vocalists.

Taken as a whole, the cantata was given with a degree of excellence not often found in such performances, and to this result Mr Burwocd Nicholls and Mr C. B. Miller, the accompanists, contributed not a little. Mr Forrest, who conducted, has also to be complimented ou his work. Girls' High A recital by the advanced class iu elocution in the Girls' High School was eiven last night in the school gymnasium.

There was a large and thoroughly appreciative audience. Besides several recitations of the highest merit, a dramatised version of Tennyson's Princess" was enacted. The characters were represented as follows The Prince, Miss Leila Hall Florian, Miss Nellie Munro Cyril, Miss Ella Mackenzie King Garna, Miss Maggie Shinuie Seueschal, Miss Marv Macieod Princess Ida, Miss I. S. insr out counsel's statement, said after February, A case of what appears to be wife murder occurred yesterday evening at Lewishani, a i P-c.

34 p.c. 4-88 4-4 5T5 5-15 Other securities Exchange on London 60 days' sight Cable Transfers Pans 60 days' sight Berlin 60 days' sight suburb in Sonth-Eaat London. The victim, Martha Morgan, who is a middle-aged woman, 1892, the defender visited her. He asked to see the child, and said it was like him as it had long ears. In August, 1892, witness took a situation at Wester Park, Glass, and the defender visited her regularly there, and while she was there she agreed to become defender's wife.

He was always anxious that his visits should not be known. She did not kBow the reason for that, but she took care that that had occupied a dwelling iu Mil! Koad, Lewis-ham, but her husband, Win. James Morgan, Business Closing Prices. SECURITIES. To-Dav.

last Pria U.S. 4 p.c. Bonds IIH 112 better known locally aB Rattler," did not live with her. Ia fact, her married life does not seem 14 11 hare been happy. There was a family of nine should be done.

In another letter ne wrote children, the youngest being only eleven months old, and the second daughter, it is said, was engaged to be married on fjnnstinas morn If you were in donbta about me, I would think nothing, butI am tolling you so plain every time I see you what I am going io do." That referred to the marriage. He also wrote I hope you will be nearer me in the inir. In order to support her younger one3, putting salt on streets, I for one would have very little difficulty in expressing my opinion but we are dealing here with what is done necessarily under the sanction of the authorities of the place, aud if they are of opinion that the only reasonable way to get the streets cleared, so as to allow the traffic which Parliament has allowed to be carried along the street to be kept in operation at all, is to use salt I do not think we have to consider whether that is right or not. Whatever is done or not done iu a time of fall of snow or frost is done in a time of public inconvenience, und members of the public must suffer inconvenience, and also a certain amount of risk in regard to their property vehicles and horses in that state of things. The public authorities of Aberdeen are, in my opinion, the proper judges of that matter.

They have the duty and the responsibility imposed on them by the ratepayers to see that the road6 are satisfactorily managed under all circ*mstances. If the inhabitants of Aberdeen are of opinion that their affairs iu that matter are being mismanaged by the Corporation, they have the remedy in their own hands they can see that they get a Corporation that will listen to remonstrances made by them, if they arc reasonable but I do not think that we have the duly of deciding, or can bo reasonably called upoti to decide, upon such a question. Therefore, on the whole matter, I concur with the reasoning of ths Lord Ordinary, and he has expressed a clear opinion that this interdict ought not to be granted, Lord Young I concur, and I do not think it necessary to add anything; but I would wish, in addition to what I have said already, to remark that I think the amount of time aud which this case hai consumed is absolutely scandalous. Lord Trayner I concur with the Lord Ordinary's judgment. I would only add this, that if the had come before me in the first instance, looking at ths terms iu which interdict is prayed for, 1 should have been rather disposed to deal with the plea that i he action was irrelevant in tinguished statesmen going into tno nouses 01 Parliament.

It would bo inconvenient for these statesmen to- be interdicted from going into Parliament. Then, at drawing-rooms, crowds go to ace the people going the nice teases. Able That, of course, is a special case. Lord Young More special than the snowstorm. (Laughter.) Take the case of a voting man from the country it has happened with myself warned ugaiust going along the Strand at night because the theatres cause such a crowd as to block the street.

You would interdict them all to prevent a crowd at the theatre dcors Mr Abel It would be granted only if it were shown that it contiuuaily interfered with the public convenience. Lord Young But it continually interferes with people iu the street. Mr Abel Yes but it-does not interfere with the legitimate use of the streets. Everybody bM a right to be on the streets and I suppose person can stand on the street. Lord Young The police are there for the purpose of making you move on.

Mr Abel I think you could not interdict a mHii from going on Lord Young I think Mr Justice North should not take the management of the streets into his own hands. Mr Abel The people were around the theatre door, obstructing, the man's access to his own. house. Lord Trayner But the peoprhtor of the theatre did not invite people a 6 5 -SO, but stated thu.t the theatre would not be till G'30 and if they wine at 5'30 or at 2 30, that was their own affair, and not his and the police are thers for the purpose oi keeping people from collecting on the footpath and it wm surelv their phrce to keep the street clear. Lord Young Suppose it had been a distinguished bishop oru preacher, would hit have been interdicted because people went to hear lum 1 Mr Abel It would depend oat the circ*mstances.

Lord Young Would the principle in Charley's Aunt apply Mr Abel I think it would be that of the esse of the statesman going into Parliament. Mrs Morgan worked as a laundress at Lewis-ham Infirmary, aud was returning home yester Atchison )2j Do. 2nd Mert. 19 Great Northern 10S Baltimore Sc Ohio 44 Canadian Pacific 50 Canadiau Southern 48 Cent. New Jersey OS Central Pacific 14' Chesap'ke Ohio 13J Chic.

Burlington 74iJ Ohio. Milwaukee b'4i Do. Preference 124 North Western 97i Do. Preference 150 summer. It will be possibly a year or two day evening when she was met ay ner iiusoauo, before I could take you as my dear wite.

My sweet dear, trust in me and I will trust you. who immediately commenced quarrelling wim her. The sole witness of the tragedy, a You are sweeter to trie, than honey to tne nee." (Laughter.) That was in February, 1893. neishliouf, states that she saw the man raise his band, in which something glittered in the The reason she did not bring the action sooner darkness, and immediately his wire tell, deacn was because she thought he would come round, and sho did not want the exposure of the court. 094 100 3 15 having been practically instnntp.necus.

Ane man made off. The defender had a two pair horse farm, and a larere number of cattle and other stock. la reason why she did cot raise the action of 244 110 46 52 514 105i Hi 15i 72i 128 ioi 150 724 1244 lfiSj 124 45g 94 1491 494 104 101 Hi 075. 98 '23 74 52 Ui 7 DEATH OF A NORWEGIAN WRITER. Henrik Jaeger, whose death is announced from Chr'istiania.

was one of the most distin affiliation and aliment in the Sheriff Court of Aberdeen, which was now pending till twoyears after the birth of the child, was because she Oh. Koek Is, P. 64 Cleveland 34 Delaware Hud. 121 A Lackawanna I0Sj Denver )0 Do. Preference 40 Illinois 90 Lake Shore 144 Louis, and 41 Mexican 10 Michigan Central.

101 14J i3 always thought he would give her something. All he had given her was 1. Alexander Spence, the defender, 35 years of guished writers in the of literary history which Norway has produced. He is credited with having writteu the well-known couplet translated by Mr Edmund Gosser) Skirving Lady Psyche, Miss Alice Webster Lady Blanche, Miss Lizzie Eletcher Melissa, Miss Marie Shaw. The admirable acting and elocution of the pupils age, admitted that he bad a great affection for the pursuer and that he promised to marry her.

Missouri 9 tie was angry with ner lor Having a cnna to approval ana recogni- KEITH. It ail way Servants' Festival, The annual festival of the Keith railway servants was held last night in the Lougmore Hall, Keith. There was a large attendance. Mr Dull of Drummuir occupied the chair, and amongst those present on the platform were Mr Thomas Carmiohael, Isl.v Bank Mills; Ca-ptaiu and Mrs Douglas Hamilton, Provost and Mrs Petrie Hay, Rev. W.

R. Pirie and Mrs Pine, the Manse Rev. Maunseil Donald, Dr Turner, Mr James Ward, Tense and lean, the colour of gypsum, With a great coal-black beard tienrik Ibsen." another man. She became cold to him 189.L and he thought she had ceased to care for him. met with warm tion.

'Che effect enhanced by the exercises by Herr Missouri New York Central N. Y. Lake Do. Pref Do. Mort New England a way that has not been adopted.

of the play was greatly introduction of sssthetic Erckmann. The famous with her nurse, from He met her after this action waB raised, and Tne lnteraict was accordingly reiused, ana THE UGANDA PROTECTORATE. scene ot junec the nursuers was found liable in expenses. Juliet" (act ii. scene 5) was she told him she was not' caring for marriage jf he gave her siller." He told her she would repent marrying him, because after what had puss*d their married life would not be Counsel for pursuers The Dean of Faculty, Romeo and cleverly given, and caused great merriment.

A vote of thanks to all the pupils who con Seafield Estates Office Mr and Mrs J. G. Fleming, the Square; Mr and Mrs James George Earlsmount; Mr Wm. Simpson, Douglas Brae happy. tributed to the evening's enjoyment, and to Mr Attsr 20 minutes' absence, the iury gave a C.

Mr Dickson and Mr Abel. Agents Auid Macdonald, W.S. Aberdeen agent P. T. Garden (C.

P. H. Chalmers), Counsel for the defenders The Solicitor General, 0 0. Mr Ure and Mr Dove Wilson. Agents Morton, Smart, Macdonald, W.S.

Aberdeen agent L. Mackinnou. Mr and Mrs Stephen, Union Bank House Mr 1-i Hi verdict for pursuer, and assessed damages at 150. Alfred M'Leod for the training ne had given the pupil3, was enthusiastically responded to by the audience. James Davidson, locomotive superintendent, Keith and lospec.tor M'Combie, iutty-brewster.

The hall was finely decorated for the BRRYHILI. rUBUC a. very pieasin 212 Mi 1H 23 74 52 J2A 7 4 81 nj 49J 61 24 i 254 5 34 14 M.i Kti 154 23 958 Ontario Norfolk Pref North Norther Do. Pref. Ohio Mississippi Pennsylvania sir's Phil.

Reading Do. 4 p.c. Bonds Do. let Incomes Southern Tennessee Coal Texas Pacific Union Pacific St L. P.

THB KING AND LADY MISStONARIItS. Letters from Uganda, dated the 4th of October, have been received in London announcing the arrival there of Bishop Tucker and the first lady mis9isniiries who have ever visited that country. The bishop sends the copy of a letter of welcome from Mwauga, the Sultan of Uganda, iu the course of whicb the king says After greeting you, I rejoice very, very much to hear that you are coming, aud that now you have arrived in my country together with ladies, because even from my childhood I have never seen European ladies. The day on which you reach Mengo write to ine that I may know." CONFERENCE ON EQUAL TAXATION. A conference on the questiou ot the incidence recital was given in tne Music Hall last night by tbe pupils of Ferryhill Public SehooL The I occasion, mr iiurr aenvcrea an appropriate address, after which a long and varied pro Lord Young What is the difierer.ee between statesman.

and "Charley's Aunt." (Laughter.) Mr Abel He is going lotperform his public duties, which he is bonutl to-discharge. Lord Young He is not bound. Lord Trayner Take the case of a bishop preaehinc in a fashionable district in London, L'ird Young Or a fashionable marriage in Ft George's, Hanover VVnuid Justice interdict the marriage? (Laughter,) Mr Abel No; but in the as to ''Charley's Aunt" there was the reason. that the crowd was gathering night after night. Lord Young And marriages aie going continually in St George's, Hanover ffiiuare.

Mr Abel But there you are dealina with a state of crcuin'itances which is not the fault of man at alt. Thee are people having a light to there. iml going there of their own fi -a wili. Lbi'd Young I think yon had batter give us front ot ine piatiorni waa uiijch with vari-coloured muslins and fairy lamps, the work of decoration being carried out by Messrs gramme of sougs and recitations was submitted. The various performers went through theirparts with much credit to thsmseives, and were 13 51 1 7i 811 28? 9' 31 2 ti 68 10 2S 1004 of local taxation was held yesterday in Dundee Baillie Macdonald, chairman of Dundee PariBh Council, presiding.

Thsre were present delegates from the principal assessing authorities in Scotland, including Aberdeen J. Allan Sons. The programme opened witn A LUCKY LOTTERY TICKET. (Dalzims Telegram.) Marseilles, Friday, The first prize in the P.uiama lottery, value 20,000, lias just been won by a stockbroker's clerk named who bought the ticket bearing the wiuniiig number for two francs. warnilv applauded, iu the order of the pro gramme they were Miss Violet Davidson, Mr David (comic), alias Jessie i.

Robertson, Mr Donald Munro (recitations). Dances were given by Miss Barbara Pirie, Messrs Thomson and Muuro gave a very humorous dialogue, aud a Scotch character Do. Pref West. U. T'ejraph Chicago Gas Trust Cotton Oil Trust Nat'a! Lead Trust Sugar Refio.

Trust LllB PUiK.K JYUODOh'ALD bTAl'UJS AT sketch by Miss Davidson and Mr Munro broucht Ixv.Ba:;jiS A Ksaitt Gomfeittioh. Yester a selection from a cantata "Hie lower Gatherers," rendered in a most efficient manner by a school choir of one hundred voices, trained by Mr William Litster. One of the features of the evening was the various tableaux, which were depicted with a reality and faithfulness that reflected the greatest credit on Mr J. M'Cann, who designed aud arranged them. The boys and girls iu the senior classes showed to great advantage in various gymnastic exhibitions, such as dumb bells, parallel bars, bait drill, single bar bells, Sword exercise, and Indian clubs, and these were carried mit- under the suoeriutendence of.

Instructor 664, SCOTCH BANKRUPTS. (Fmom Last Nkiht's Edinburgh Gazette.) David Anderson, cycle agent, No, 8 Batchen Street, Elgin. Mrs Elizabeth Marshall or Blaikley, or Sutherland, widow, wine and spirit merchant, 66i Silver (per oz.) Parish Council Messrs William Pyper, George Murray, and C. K. Williams (the inspector).

The first subject discussed was the taxation of land valuef, on which a resolution was adopted that these should be valued separately from the buildings thereon. The other questions considered were the assessment of vacant land and the laxiog of incomes. After discussion it was decided that the delegates present should report to their respective bodies the findings of the conference, and that a second conference should be held on an early Sate in either Edinburgh or Glasgow. The conference then adjourned. eiSe.

Mr Aba! then referred Ex iliv. a most successful evening to an ena. Mucn credit is due to Mr John Burgess and Mr George Cruickshank, the secretary, and the committee the Club lit iroaiiist was sou: nay was the last cuy for recsiving competitive models for the statue of Flora Macdonald to be erected in the Highland capital by the gift of 1000 recently left for that purpose by her AMERICAN PRODUCE MARKETS. ens-, in mti'raic'j li -xlc'j, Uiiitoi Young That wa: like the crse of the had the same for the success of the evening. EILBRUMMY.

Ploughing Match. The annual ploughing match of the Auchiudoir, Kildrummy, aud isUUve, Captain John of Brigkto Berry- uia ric.ge j.nu, irige oireet, rraiiucs. John King, dairyman, residing at mount, Lynedoch Street, Greenock. Andrew Hill Irvine, jollier, Innellan. ui competition has excited the ijfeatest tn Dimde the day.

not whistling hens cackling after laying vim'i in fr 'i'Ue cMn olnint the iior l-1h but ogam Mnnro. the oianist being Miss Davidson. Trre Triwip A crri cultural Association was held on Wednesday on a field at Wester Clova, Kil FOKKira AND COLOMAJ. MaILS. NEW XORK PRODUCE.

Nicw i'oRK, Ftiony. Wheat at the opening was weak a fail Jc, prices going lower owing to the hr-ivy of securities in Wall street. The dose weak, 1 to lie super. Corn was unchanged. Oats were weak, and i cheaper.

LaBD declined in sympathy with grain. if EAT KKCKlrr.S. drummy, kindly granted for the occasion by Miss Cran. Owing to the unsettled state of the DKSfAxcH of 'Mails. Nbx IJ ESTIMATIONS.

LOKDOX. MAIL DUlt Ascension via Southampton Bee 8 Jan 13 Australia, Victoria, New iDfanfc girls gave a very pretty display in nursery drill, 'having been trained by Miss Lowe. The dancing was much appreciated, the lime-light effects being specially pieasiug. The dances were arranged by Mr Cosmo Mitchell, and the training of the children was carried through by Mr Mitchell, assisted by Miss Willcy. The music was hy Miss Anderson.

The general weather aud to the impossibility ol practising" on some of the farms in the locality on account of the snow, many of the intending Wales, uneenslanu, s. ana w. Australia, and Tasmania, via ItalyDec La Australia (Parcel Mail) Dec. 26 5t iay 1 To-tiay. yeir.

Western towns 42U wrinopmsuts were carried out by the staff of Atlantic ports 333 JO 7.V! t.hnrs. siinervised by tbe headmaster, Mr J. Exports -IS interest among Scottish sculptors, who get the preference, ant! no fewer than thirteen models have been received. ware aU phtccd in position in the Tovtiihull yesterday, aud during tiie afternoon were visited by many citizens. They are almost without exception of a high standard of merit, while several are quite ordinal in crroeofifHi, a faf which will make I he lioul choice, which lies v.ilh the municipal authorities, along with Captain Macdnnald's trustees, one of no little iliBieulty.

The site upon which the monument will be erected has not yet been decided. The Ladies' Association of tiieFree Church, XewhtUs. continues to receive the sympathy and support that it deserves. Their annual sale of iwik was held last Saturday afternoon, when a brisk business was done for a few hours, and the sum realised was found to be 30 Os 4d. The Cttossisos at Tosuy.

The question of the reijair of the street cre-ssings at Terry was under consideration by the Streets and lioads for future deliveries, 0 Sales competitors did not come forward, thus causing a considerable decrease in tbe number of entries, The judges were Messrs Gilbert, Leochei and Lawson, Scotsmili, who awarded the prizes as follows For ploughing 1 and Highland Society's medal, John Hay, Drumallocliie 2 George Ellis, Mains 3 John Stuart, Kirkhill i W. M'Lean, QuarrySeld 5 George Eraser, Mnirend 6 John Kellas, Mid Clova 7 A. M'Donald, Deskv 8 W. D. Anderson, and "the entertainment proved a genuine success.

There was a large attendance their i (Laughter.) Mr Abe! The in tile club said tUy wvre carrying ou their business. Lord Young So were i lie lius. (Lnughter.) Eut they were put there under the windows of a mini's house, vhnj the of them and the snu-ll of into M.e wnm.v,v?, prevented sleeping mid sunn, was nothiHi; illegitimate in the hens' business at ali. Mr Abel uxfc argtwt? thar, whether or not the saueioiK-'d wlia.t was comjj.uinei of, lir.x'j was no answer to a person who Ti-jriy. The Town outrht to have it, mid, if they did not, mtd til? ptusut' dir not et iii'rrdici, that not be in accordance with legal principle or practice.

He submitted that the balance of public convenience conid net be taken into account, if injury had bseu stiff-red that he hai made out that the operations of the company in piling snow at the sides of the streets and iu scattering salt ou the snow caused U.UV.S KKCEIfTS, Same iay This Tin; To-day. of parents and friends of the pupils. St Paul Stsest School Annual Ester-tit* mint. One of the brightest aud most Western towns 314 25 2 3a i6i 79 37 1519 17.M5 luf future rt Atlantic ports KiTort3 attractive entertainments given by the pupils Ooutts, Wester Clova 9 W. Cooper, attending this school, on behalf of their Horary, took place last night before a large and enthu Kildrummy 10 W.

Cameron, Broadley 11 Hugh Tough, Wester Clova. Feering I George Ellis, 2 John Stuart. Mids 1 George Ellis, 2 John Kellaa. SUaig'ntest furrows siastic attendance. Mr Alexander Murray, a mmW nf the School Board, occupied the I'XOL'B KKCiill'TS.

Same day Tins '1 To-'lav. latt ycj.r. i-'j Western towns 20' 3i 3 IVM Atlantic ports 31 r7i! c. Exports 8 42 123 WifKAT. December, 63J Jsntniy, February, 65 March, 064 May.

i 64i. Maize. December, 3Sj o.u,u:-:iy, -v, May, 34g. Oats. December, 224.

Committee yesterday, and Councillor Meff John Hay. Harness 1 Bugn Tlougn, 2 John Kellas, 3 George Robertson. Groomiug I John Kellas, 2 Hugh Toagb, 3 Rkprrsentation op North Aberdeen. Mr Aiphens C. Morton, formerly M.P.

for Peterborough, has, it is understood, written to Councillor Vm. Johnston to the effect that he hopes lie will be kept in view should a vacancy occur in the representation of North Aberdeen, Mr Morton points out that while in Parliitnenc he took much interest in aU Scottish questions, aud was specially attentive to matters affecting the workers. In these oircumetances he evidently considers that he is well qualified to represent North Aberdeen should Mr Hunter retire. Mr Morton created quite a scene at the meeting of the Commissioners of Sewers in London the other day. It was moved that a petition should "be presented to Her Majesty's Government praying that immediate steps should be taken by legislative enactment to place a limit ou the school board rate, which is now Is 2d per a rate that involves the City in an annual contribution of 200,000, as compared with 5000 in the year 1877.

Mr Morton sneered contemptuously at those whr grudged the increase of 400 per cent, in the expenditure of spreading the light, and he raised an angry protest by declaring that in Scotland the whole of the children were educated by the State." The Scotch members of the Commission warmly denied this. Mr Morton reasserted that it was true. There was great uproar, and as Mr Alphens Cloophas Morton stuck to his guns, he had the satisfaction of tinishing his speech but to empty benches, for there was a general exodus. Of the motion for the petition was carried. Ahekheen City Lectuf.es Sketches in Parliament." Last night in the Mitchell Hall the sixth supplementary lecture of the eity course was delivered by Mr F.

Csrruthers Gould, caricaturist and journalist, his subject being "Sketches in Parliament, or Gallery and Lobby Notes of the Parliament of '95." The hall was comfortably filled. Treasurer Scott injury to psrsons wno were entitled i-ti use it-led he sit tela and tin.it, tmere! Dec 24 Dee Dec Dec Dec Dec 21 Dec 29 Dec 28 Deo 21 Dec 2 Dec 28 Dec 24 Dec Dec 23 Dec 21 Dec 24 Dec 28 Dec 29 Dec 25 Jan 7 Dec Dec -Dec 24 Dec Dec Dec Dec Jan 4 Deo Dec 24 Dec Dec Jau 2 Dec Dec 23 Dec 21 Dec Dec 24 Dec Dec Jan 13 Dec Dec Dec Alexander Cook. Grooming ana narness combinedJohn Kellas. Decorations 1 George Robertson, 2 J. Kellas.

Oldest ploughman W. M'Lean. Youngest ploughman John Queensland (X'arcel mail) -Dec a Bahamas Dee Belize Dec via New York Dec 28 Brazil via Southampton Dec 27 tlo. via Liverpool Dec 13 Do. via Trench Porta Dec.

Buenos Ayres and Moute Video, via Southampton Dec 27 Do. via Liverpool Do. by I'Kiicli Packet Dec Canada, Prince Edward Island, Hew Brunswick, Dec Canary Islands Dec Cape oi Good Hope and Natal, via Southampton Dec Cape Verde Islands Dec 'J Ceylon, Singapore, China, and Japan viaUrindisi Dec 27 Do, by French Packet Chili and Peru, via Liverpool Dec Sf Do. via Southampton 1R China and Japan, via Vancouver Do. vtaSanFranciscoDcc 25 Cyprus via Brindisi Dec Ejypt by British PacketDec Do by Austrian Packet Dec 23 Do byifreneh Packet 41 io.

uv Italian Packet 23 for Parcels only Dec 25 II Falkland Islands Deo 31 Gambia, via Liverpool 31 India, via Itiiudisi Dec India, including Aden and British Birrmah, for Farcels only Jan HI Mexico, via New York Dec New Zealaud.via Kan Francisco Dec 28 Do. via Italy Deo Newfoundland Dec 30 Newfoundland (Parcel Mail) Dec 30 Novi Scotia, via United States Dec Do by Direct Packet Dec Portugal via Southampton 27 Do via Liverpool Jan 1 St via Southampton Dec 23 United States (New York) via Quetustown Do via Southampton Deo West Coast of Africa, via LiverpooIDec hi urged that something should be done iu the matter. As there was, however, some doubt as to who was liable for the cost, consideration of the subject was deferred. The Cair-s'btjig and Inveeallochy SpbciaL Watj'sr Disvinciv-Siieriff Brown su the Peterhead Sheriff' Court yesterday issued an interlocutor in the action at the instance oi John Duthie, proprietor of estate, objecting to the decision of the Deer District to interdict. Without calling; on counsel for the defenders the judges unanimously adhered the interlocutor under review.

THE DECISION'. The Lord Justice Clerk said The complainsr here seeks to interdict the Aberdeen Tramway Company from removing snow from their lines 7 53; SIS; Kellas. First off the field with a prize George tfraser. After the prizes had beeu decided, the judges, committee, and a few friends drove to Laud. January, 5'47.

Cotton-. December, 7 98; February, 8 05 March, S'il April May, 8-20 June, S'24 July, 8-26. iuldrummy inn ana sat. down to an excellent dinner. Mr Dunn, Mid Clova, presided, while Mr Watt, Drumnahive, discharged the duties of croupier.

After the usual loyal and patriotic Coffbe. December, 13 "5 to IS 13-65 to 13-70 February, 13'5U March. 13 45 to 13'50 April, 13'it 13'jj; Ki'i'J! to 1-2-oj; toasts. "The Judges," "Uommittee," ana otner toasts were proposed and responded to. A most litd; 11-85 enjoyable eveoing was spent.

May, 12-90 to 12'95 June, 12-oj July, 12-30 to 12-40; August, ll'So September, So to 11 95 to ll'7o November, II '55 to II '03. Wheat. Northern, ooj do. red, spot, 65g. v.

Maizk. New Western snot, 35: TORRIFF. Y.M. Ckkistian Association. The annual business meeting of the YouDg Men's Christiau chair, and among those present were Mr John Leitb, and Mr W.

M. Sellar, solicitor. The entertainaisnt was opened by a duet on the piano by Misses Lyon and Cooper. The first patt of the programme was devoted to songs, recitations, a dance, and the rendering of several pieces by the infants' choir, under Miss Reith. A performance of Aladdin, or the wonderful scamp," specially written by Mr W.

S. Koddie, music teacher, Inverness, occupied the remainder of the evening. Master John Henry, who represented AHabadsir, elicited cheer after cheer by the clever manner in which he played his part. Aladdin was done full justice to by Master Henry Johnstone, as also were the parts of the widow by Miss Thompson the Spirit of the Ring by Miss A. Thompson the Geni of the Lamp by Miss L.

Gillespie Emperor, bv Miss C. Mackie Princess, by Miss Mary'lunes and Grand Vizier, by Miss A. Kenley. For much of the success of ths entertainment, great praise is due to the teachers who trained the children. Miss Bain conducted the choir, which numbered about 100.

Miss Lyor. trained the soloi3ts and presided at the piano. Misses and Kidd taught the dancing, and made the CaDcy dresses for the performance, while Miss Mutch arranged the Amazonian drill which formed an interesting item. With her customary skill, Mrs Skea, headmistress of the school, superintended the whole arrangements. The performance will be repeated to-night.

Joint Passengkr Station employees at Aberdeen Joint Passenger Station mat at supper last evening in the Waverloy Hotel, under the genial presidency of Mr R. A. Duguid, station superintendent. Tt numbered about 50, and among Association was held on Thursday evening. Mr Committee resolving to form the vilbges of Cairnbulg aud Iuvevallochy into a special water district.

Having considered the cause, Sheriff Brown allows both parties a proof of their respective averments, and the appellants a conjunct probatioa. Another Proposed Trawling Limited Liability Company. A meeting of the shareholders who own the trawler Ocean Bride was rHd recently to consider tlia advisability of forming themselves into a limited liability company. The proposal was received very favourably, aud S3 a number of the members have also an interest in the sister ship Ocean Racer, it was recommended that both vessels be included in the compauy. Circulars have, therefore, been issued to the shareholders of both vessels, and the proposal will be considered on an early date.

Script Shop.th.and Institute Examina George presided. The report of the secretary aud treasurer for the past year were read and flour Spring wheat -yo 3-30 Minneapolis patents, 2-23 Co'F3K Future deliveries. WiuO. Cotton' Receipts, 37,080 to Ritain Oi Win Tin. presided, and, in introducing the lecturer, said he supposed it was appropriate tiiat the city treasurer should be the medium of introducing v)ri- aiti nnn rale at 'ew reu li approved.

The income amounted to tlo los and the expenditure to 11 4 8:1. This is exclusive of a library fund of 17 14s Id. Officebearers for the ensuing year were elected as follows President, Mr W. George, Balmellie Street; vice-president, Mr A. M'Kenzte; secretary, Mr J.

S. Low; treasurer, Mr J. I. Keith. SnniB Onfrifnoal.

lis I refined anything in the shape of "Gou)ld." lated, 4g Moscovado, 3J. Man Drowned at North Konaldshay. A telegram just received at Kirkwall fiom the Island of Sanday, states that in the end of last week, Robert Uutt, Garbo, North Ronaldshny.was returning to North from Sanday, in a small boat. When nearing North Eonaldshay the. boat capsized, and Cutt Tallow City, 4.

Freights Grain for Liverpool, 1 3S: cotton for Liverpool, 0-04 no. petro- (Laughter.) While it was his duty to introduce Mr Gould to an Aberdeen audience, Mr Gould many years ago introduced himself to the public ot Great Britain, and had been known for nearly a quarter of a century as one of our most able (Applause.) It wonld be out of olace for him to give a S-OU 1 leum refined, 70 per cent, at New York k. tion fok Certificates. An examination for certificates was held ou'i'hursday to close the first was drowned. There had been no communication with North for a week previous to yesterday.

six months' work er the institute. The results attained were very satisfactory, only three who biography of Mr Gould, but he might say that Royal Alfred Aged Merchant Sea- Philadelphia, 7 95 Pins 1 1414 shipments, 62,000. CHICAGO PRODUCE. Chicago, FiH.v. rules Wheat ststrtea wcu.

sat failing to pass the required tests. One miss's Ikstitdtion. Mr W. Harris Saunders. travelling secretary of this, institution, who is he remembered reading in an account of his life in the Westminster Budget," that Mr Gould began life as a bank clerk, and it struck him (the speaker), that perhaps, the first thing that young tnsn obtained a ceruhcate tor 120 worns per minute.

Others who commenced the study of script shorthand in Julv and August of this those at the chairman's table were Mr John at present in Aberdeen, hart au mtecview yesterday with Lord Provost Mearns and other Ploughing annua! ploughing match for Turriff and district was held yesterday on a Seld on the'farm of Upper Mains of Mniresk, kindly placed at the disposal of. the committee by the tenant, Mr Robert Cruick-shank. The weather was favourable. Only 6 champion and 17 local ploughmen came forward. The judges were.

For ploughing Messrs Mersou, Oraigwiilie, Huntly and Sicvewright, Redside, Ord. For harness and grooming Mr Cowie, Auchninna.Inverkeithny. The awards were: Ploughing (champions) silver medal, and 103 Alex. Pirrie, 2 Alex. Pirrie, Raggat, 35s 3 Alex.

Pirrie, Huntly 4 Wm. Downie, Turriff. Best feer-" ig, George Trail, Netherhi.lls. Neatest ends, Alex. Pirrie, Dorlaithera.

Straiglitest furrows, year passed the required test at 90 words rjer sugsested to Mr Gould the idea of caricaturing Mucgregor, passenger agent, Caledonian Kail-. r'Mr finrrre Stewart, chief inspector, gentlemen connected witn tne snipping community and the rfsnlt of his labours is the tmuute while one grl, Nellie Keid, 24 North- living subiects was the wretched pictures of our strengthened on covering sou on l- 4 5 export business, but the close was weiu, I down. Oats were steady and without Pokk opened 24 points down, in wmmibv with 2raiu sort on Great North of Scotland Railway Mr John Queen on the coins of the realm. (Laughter.) field Place, aged 13, who made her first acquaintance with shorthand on 16th September formation of au influential committee, with the Lord Provost as convener, to forward the interests of the institution in this city. A Murray, chief parcel clerls, JNortn JBntisn Railway; Mr Madgwick, West Coast Railways Mr Mr Gould in commencing his lecture reminded his hearers that in speaking oi the session of .1895 he would be traversing a battlefield so ot this year, obtained her certificate lor 90 woros per minute for five miuutes.her transcrint beinc M'NicoIl, chief inspector, 'Joint fetation Mr receipts.

The close was weak and lower. further claim to its support lies in the fact that Ms Mackenzie. Station tioolcataii aic. An excellent almost faultless. Dec.

on to the sides of the streets, and from seatteriug suit on the lines during times of snow. In con-aidering this matter I think it miufc be kept in view throughout that what is found fault with as bsiue done contrary to the law is all of the nature of emergency proceedings. The streets of a town, which it is desirable and necessary to keep open at all times for traffic in the interests of business and iu the interests of the inhabitants, do sometimes necessarily get more or less obstructed during the winter season by the fall of solid mutter on the streets, or by the formation of solid matter on the streets ia consequence of frost following rain, and there cannot be the slightest doubt that it is one of the first duties of toe public authorities of any town particularly a large and busy town to taka some means as rapidly as possible to clear the way for traffic. If the obstruction is 3olid the whole thing may be cleared away very quickly from the streets. If the obstruction from a very heavy fall of snow is very great the emergency is not so easily met, and they must just do it as well as they can and as rapidly as they can.

Now, when tramways are established in any towu, which can only be done under Act of Parliament, the tramway company gets the risht to use the road for a particular kind of traffic. They are not entitled to the use of the road in any other sense thsn that they are entitled to keep to their line and not to give way to other traffic except by pulling up but have right to use their line, and other traffic, when the company gets that statutory right, must give way to it so as not to obstruct it. Now, the moment a fall of snow of any depth takes place in a town like Aberdeen the tramway system is for the moment stopped, because not only is it difficult to run the horses, but the tram cars cannot run unless the snow is taken from the rails, and it is necessity that it should be cleared away. It must be kept in view that it ought to be cleared inany if there were no rails there. We know the ordinary practice is to clear the centre by a snow plough, which necessarily has the result to obstruct the rest of the street for a temporary period, because they cannot shovel the enow from the centre without making the snow at the sides, deeper than it was in the middle.

But at once you open the middle of the street for traffic and if the tramway company, which has the use of the road within its rails, proceeds at once to oleai Jthe road in that way, it is just doing for the public authority what the public authority would be bound to do in ordinary course i there were no tramway there. It is the duty of the public authority to clear the streets of snow, and if the Tramway Company do nothing more and it seems in regard to the removing of snow they do nothing more than pushing the snow to the sides, which is the first thin? the public authority does, I do cot see what ground there can be for interdicting them agaiust doing that. Ihe duty of the public authority being to clear away the snow, that is a thing which, in certain circ*mstances, can be done quickly ia certain cijCRBjsJajjcefl repast was purveyed by Mr Smith, and. covers having beeu removed, the chairman gave an Saw: of Me David Scott's Library. Last night the remainder of Mr David Scott's Georsre Trail.

Best mids, Alex. Ptrrie, Huntly. recant that the blond stains and hi some psrtB of England, be was afraid, the-: beer stains-had not yet bad time to dry. (Laughter.) He would, therefore, have to walk very delicately but as his Bpeech would be non-poluiotl, he would give no excuse for purely political demonstration either on one Wheat Oats Lard Ribs valuable library was sold by Mr John Milne in Best mids and feering combined, George 544 25 It? 4-20 U---3 i 4 2 Trail. First off the ground, George Iran.

Piouftiiing Locals 1 A. Brown, Dorlaithers, medal aud 105 2 William Smart, Ciiftbog, 15s; 3 J. Pirrie. Easterfield 4 William Tocher, S'. Pork Keceipts-Hogs.

western towns oi-- iu the course of the day Mr baunders meeovetea a number of men who would be eligible for, and highly deserving of, the benefit of the charity. With" Mr J. F. Kellas, secretary to the Local Marine Board, who has acted for a long time as local representative, Lieut. Hayward, R.N.

examiner in navigation and seamanship, is now to be associated, aud a public meeting is to be held soon to bring the objects of the institution before the citizens. Billiard Exhibition in Abbrdekn-. The billiard match (spot-barred) of 3000 up between Mr G. Sala, champion of Scotland, and Mr K. G.

Anderson, champion of the north, was resumed in. Anderson's Chicago, 26,000. Chicago snort Knockiemill 5 Georgr; Strachac, Ribrae 6 side or the other. (Applause.) Mr Gould then reviewed tbe leadiug events of the session, and gave personal reminiscences of members of the House, and their hobbies." The phrases that Dropped up during the middles, 4'4a. George i'owlie, Creelwell 7 d.

ow.ig, uracil 8 Alexander Leslie, Upper Mams 9 J. Spalding, Uppermill 10 J. Elrick, Ardmiddle. Best feerius A. Brown.

NeateBt ends G. interesting address. Having mtimare.i an apology for absence from es-Baillie Duff, Mr Duguid referred to the enormous developments in the railway systems ofgtbe country, and paid a feeling tribute to the memory of the late Mr David Boyle, station superintendent. In conclusion the chairman gave the sentiment of the compauies they represented the Caledonian, Great North, and North British coupling with the sentiment the names of Mr Macgtegor, Mr Stewart, and Mr Black, who suitably replied. Mr Madgwick also made a few suitable remarks, and Mr Douglas West-land, Caledonian and London and North Western Railways, brought down the with a topical speech, in the course of which he said he hoped Lord Salisbury would session, such as nlongning the sands and filling the cup," were quoted, and numerous Tfnwlie.

St raiehtest furrows A. Brown. First illustrations in he shape of cleverly-drawn caricatures were thrown upon the screen. Told A Rival to Ft.AX.-Mr J. M.l douaid, London, has aadressea Dundee spinners, manufacturers, ana o- the cultivation of ramie.

He st.e. id new fibre, if imported into eo'9aiati, prove a formidable rival to flax, that in the Boyle invention the o.fl wO degumming has been overcome. was anoointed to meet Mr Macao in racy language, througn which ran a vein of humour, the lecture was greatly enjoyed. At the close, on the call of the chairman, a hearty vote; of thanks was awarded Mr Gould, and on the motion of Councillor Hnza Macdonald, a tne tson-Accora Auction Saloon. Ihera vras aguina good attendance, and the prices realised were regarded as satisfactory.

Among the sales were the following Dr Longinuir'a Speyside," 03 3d The Aberdeenshire Lintie," Is lOd W. R. Moir's Timothy Twig," 3s G. Sinclair's Satan's Invisible World Discovered" (Edinburgh, 17S9), lis; Dr Gregor's Echo of the Olden Time," 2s 4d Christie's Instructions for Hunting, ike." (Banff, 1S17), 7s Macdonald's Place Names in Stratlibogie," 4s; Uain's "Merchant and Craft Guilds," 4s Aberdeen Magazine (Vols. I.

and 8s; Mair's "Records of Ellon," is 6d Siiarpe's Letters, 10s 6d Combe's Dance of Life," 29s Cruiksbank's 6d'; Thornton's "Don Juan," 22s; "Universal Songster or Museum of Mirth," 24s "Charles Eikon Basihke" (London, 164S), 26s Longmuir'a poems and minor publications, 5s Roberta's edition of Burns's works, with marginal emendations, annotations, and additions by Longmuir, 16s 0d Sir George Reid'a 12 sketches of scenery and antiquities G.N.S. Railway, 16s 6d "Castles of Aberdeenshire," 15s 6d Under Lochnaear," 9a Grass of Parnassus," 6s. Among Peter Buchan's works, the Annals of Peterhead rsalised 19s 6d Recreation of Leisure Hours," 3s lOd The Peterhead Smugglers," Id 6d "Wanderings of Prince Charlie," 8s 9d Ancient Ballads," 13? 6d account of the fwnily of 17s. similar compliment was paid the'chairman. purpose of inquiring mere close scheme for the formation of a comp.iuj the new fibre off the ground with prize A.

Leslie. The Highland Society's medal for the best ploughed rig "on the field was awarded to Alexander Brown. Champion amongst the locals Harness I aud silver mecliil G. Strachan, Ribrae 2 J. M'Intosh, Forgien Mains 3 Charles Sim, Cotburn 4 J.

Elrick, Ardmiddle 5 William Tocher, 6 William Smart, 7 Alexander Brown, Gaorge Fqwlie, 9 Will am King, Wrae 10 Grooming 1 and medal George Strachau 2 J. M'Intosh, 3 J. Craig, 4C. Sim, 5 William Tocher. G.

Fowlie, 7 J. Elrick, 8 J. Spalding, 9 William Smart, 10 I). Findlay, Kiunermit. Silver medal for best grooming and karness combined George Strachan.

Four prizes (for best tails aud manes, best matched pair, and best driven pair) J. M'Intosh. There was a large number of spectators during tho dav. The committee and iaderes were hospit The Pbofosed Streets speedily seud Lard Charlie iserasrora across the Atlantic with a few ironelaas to let that fellow Cleveland, who was making all the bluBter, understand what Great Britain meant. (Loud applause, and a Voice "A few Excellent arrangements for the gathering were made by a committee, with Mr Robert Hay as convener, and Mr JohnMair secretary.

Me F. Cakkuthees Godid and the Mitchbll Hall. At the conclusion, of his lecture in the Mitchell Hall last night, Mr jr. Carruthers Gould, in replying to a vote of thanks, said the pleasure he had had in GA AUT GALLTCRY. At a 0j Coinmitie.

and lyoads (South Division! Billiard Room, Exchange Street, yesterday afternoon. hen play ceased on the previous evening the game stood Sala, 1501 Anderson (with S00 start), 1767. The game had not long proceeded until it became apparent that the Scottish champion was in splendid form. By means of fine cannon aud hazard ply, he increased an unfinished break of the previous evening from 61 lo 141, the finest effort of the match. Anderson had the bulls in good position ou several occasions, but luck was acaiust and he succumbed more than once at remarkably easy shots.

He had also the misfortune of invariably leaving the ivories in good position for his opponent, who never failad to imprnve the opportunity. In the evening Anderson greatly improved. The priacipal breaks were -Sala HI, 118, 6S, 9S, 50, 64, 57 (twice), 123., and 72 Anderson. 50, 48, 36, and 50. ran out the winner, of the game amid applause, the score alasdipgl Anderson, 2538.

decn Town Council yesternay the decn xown wuaui w. lecturing to so intelligent kq audience was from Councillor to the Art 0ilery Committee Jith cter enhanced their meeting that magnificent hall. Aberdeen should be proud of the build proposed scheme fc'dwArhcol front of the Art and 6 Art. The committee -ve the A EAILWAY CARRIAGE ON FIRE. TWO PERSONS EOBKED TO DEATH.

Iu Siberia a railway carriage containing Oount Goioviue and family caught fire. The Count. from the train, but his wife ing, it was the most magnificent hall he had ever lectured in. He was sorry that even jar a time his screen had obscured the beautiful window, which was not only perfect in design but as a stained window. He congratulated Aberdeen on having such a fine hall, and he did ably entertained to refreshments and dinner by to instruct the bprjrn ite das' ground put in ofder, ny he a fn with the prJH adopted.

Mi- and Mrs UrniekshanK. -xiin duties or secre tary to the association were efficient' oajrrjed ftnsi two wore to defttb. not tbiak there.w&s anything like it in London. out by Jar George AUwnsie.r, vvwe,.

Aberdeen Journal, and General Advertiser for the North of Scotland from Aberdeen, Aberdeen, Scotland (2024)
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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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