The San Francisco Examiner from San Francisco, California (2024)

a THE SAN FRANCISCO EXAMINER- -MONDAY. AUGUST 2, 1915. 0 01 SCHOONER IN FOG GRAZES GREAT LINER Steamer Great Northern Has Narrow Escape, but Crash Is Avoided Just in Time Lighthouse Service Has Devised Post Card System for Use of Mariners in Reporting Along the Water Front A thrill was given the passengers aboard the Great Northern Pacific Steamship Company's turbiner Great Northern, Captain Ahman, while the vessel was steaming south yesterday morning southeast of Point Arena. It seems from the story told aboard the steamer that when close to Point Arena, about 10:30 o'clock in the morning in EL mixture of thick haze and fog, the steam schooner Saginaw, en route from this port to Portland in ballast, hove in sight out the haze and was coming head on toward the big vessel. Captain Ahman, seeing the danger, immediately ordered the engines of the big vessel reversed and the Saginaw proceeded north uninjured with the exception of scraping its foreyard slightly against the side of the Great Northern.

The Great brought 570 passengers from the most of Northern. whom were tourists coming to the Exposition. The cargo of the vessel amounted to 300 tons of general on freight. FIRST IN SEYMOUR NARROWS. To the American steamer J.

A. Moffett, Captain George Bridgett, which arrived yesterday from Prince Rupert, goes the honor of being the largest vessel with the largest cargo to pass through Seymour narrows. The Moffett, was laden with 60,000 barrels from the Standard Oil Company's plant at Point Richmond. Upon being granted pratique yesterday the steamer shifted up river to take on another, cargo of oil to be delivered the Uniter States government Balboa. PIER 37 BUSY.

Pier 37, at the foot of Kearny street, was the only dock along the water front to work cargo yesterday with the British steamer Tachee unloading and the Panama Pacific liner Kroonland loading. The Tachee arrived yesterday morning from Shanghai with 6,000 tons of Oriental chandise, which included large consignments of rice, tea and matting. Eleven hundred and ten tons of rice arriving on the Tachee will be loaded aboard the Kroonland to-day for New York City. The Tachee reports a pleasant trip across the Pacific with the exception of five days when continual fogs were encountered. The Kroonland will sail to-morrow for New York via Los Angeles and the canal with a full list of passengers and 6,700 tons of merchandise.

COPPER ON KROONLAND. Included in the cargo of the Kroon land is a large amount of copper and copper ore destined for the east coast. The Crowley's Launch Company lightered 360 tons of ore from the Pacific Coast docks at Howard street on 1 Saturday. This particular shipment was brought from the Guggenheim mines in Alaska to Seattle and then transshipped to this port. In addition to this shipment the Pacific Mail steamer Manchuria arriving a short time ago from the Orient brought 6,000 bars of refined copper which also will be shipped on the Kroonland.

NAVAL NOTES. A new forty-foot steam launch will be delivered aboard the cruiser Maryland before that vessel leaves for Honolulu. The launch was built at the Mare Island navy yard. The Coast Guard cutter Golden Gate now engaged in local boarding duty will soon shift to the navy yard for general repairs, as will the Yerba Buena tug Vigilant, which is in need boiler repairs. A new deck costing $10,000 was to have been installed on the supply ship Glacier, but as she is needed on the Mexican patrol, only, urgent repairs will be made.

The Glacier shifted from off the fair grounds on Saturday for Mare Island. The submarines of the group and the mother ship Cheyenne now at Mare Island undergoing repairs should be ready for duty some time next month. SCHOONER TO NEW YORK. The schooner A. J.

West, of 363 tons, equipped with auxiliary power, has sailed from Manila on the way to New York via the Panama canal. This vessel will be the first ship of Philippine registry to pass through the canal. She is carrying a cargo of lumber valued at $99,050. The A. J.

West is well known on this coast, having been in the lumber trade here for some time. She was sold to Philippine parties about two years ago and since that time she has been in the island trade. The high freight rates prevailing due to the shortage of tonnage have made it profitable for such a small craft to undertake such a long voyage. CARDS FOR MARINES. The United States Lighthouse Service has recently devised at form of printed post card for the use of mariners in reporting unsatisfactory condition of aids to navigation, which, it is believed, will be useful in obtaining prompt information as to defects in aids.

The card is printed in such form that it is simply necessary to insert the name the vessel reporting, with name of aid to navigation, and date and time when ohserved. together with any desirable Information, and then forward to nearest inspector concerned. This new idea is being tried out on the east coast and if found satisfactory will be extended to this coast. MISCELLANEOUS. The Pacific Mail steamer San Juan from Balboa and way ports is due to arrive early this morning Three with Pacific passengers Coast and freight.

Company's Steamship steamers will arrive -the City of Puebla from Puget Sound ports by way of Victoria; the President from Seattle direct, and the freighter Daisy Freeman, due from Southern California ports Full up with freight and large, crowd of Passengers the steamship Sonoma Oceanic Steamship Company will steam on to-morrow for Sydney vis Honolulu and Pago Pago, From Honolulu. the Matson Navigation Compant's steamer Matsonia. Captain Peterson, is due tor arrive to-morrow. ronte to New York from Puzet Sound ports and Portlard the Grace liner Santa Cecelia caitio into port yesterday morning to complete cargo, Los 'Cleanest Moralia Purity Congress President Gives Southern Town Praise. BY INTERNATIONAL NEWS SERVICE LOS ANGELES, August Angeles is morally the cleanest city of its size in the world." With that statement B.

Samuel Steadwell of La Crosse, president of the International Purity Congress and editor of "The Light," a reform publication, to-day added another viewpoint to the controversy being waged as to whether Los Angeles is clean morally. Steadwell directly controverted the statement made by Harry Brolaski of Cleveland that vice abounds in Los Angeles. Brolaski, chief, investigator for the America: Reform Union, made his statement at the Purity Congress sessions held recently in Francisco. Speaking of moral conditions generally throughout the world, Steadwell declared there has been a great advance in the elimination of segregated districts and commercialized vice. Mr.

and Mrs. Steadwell and their party left to-night for the East by way of Portland, Ore. Three More Bodies Found in Chicago One Hundred and Forty- Two Eastland Victims Still Missing. CHICAGO, August investigation of the capsizing of the steamer Eastland rested over Sunday, divers 1Q-day recovered three more bodies from the wreck, making the total known dead 839. Coroner Peter M.

Hoffman to-night said that there. were probably comparatively few more bodies in the river, although 142 still are missing. Secretary Redfield and Solicitor A. L. Thurman promised to proceed with the investigation of steamboat inspectors to-morrow, according to legal requirements, despite the order of Federal Judge Landis that witnesses desired by the federal grand jury could not be heard before other investigators.

jury instructed by Judge Landis to dig into every detail of the Eastland regardless of whom any finding might affect will resume its examination of witnesses to -morrow. Kearns Home Scene Of Week-End Party Young People Enjoy Dinner and Dance at Country Place. SANTA ROSA, August the country home of former United States Senator and Mrs. Thomas Kearns, in the Los Guilocos valley, near this city, a big week party was given by Mrs. Kearns, assisted ends by Miss Bess Faddies and Miss Helen Kearns.

The were entertained last night at dinner in the beautiful grounds of the country A dance was given in the hall on the place. Among the party entertained were: The Misses- Messrs. McDonald, Bess Slusser, Eugene Cowie, Ruth Farmer, Ralph Hodgson, Gladys Pohlmann, Salem Carithers, Zelma Slusser, Clifford Forsyth, Margaret Wright, A. G. Grace, Geraldine Palmer, G.

W. Smith, Adah Woolsey, Alfred Canthers, Gladys Stone, Frank Oliver, Helen Keith, David Kingston, Margaret Humphrey, Arthur King, Adrienne Pedersen, Fred Geary, W. Finlaw Rich Prizes Offered At Sebastopol Fair Fifth Big Apple Exposition Will Be Biggest Ever Held. BY INTERNATIONAL NEWS SERVICE SANTA ROSA, August 1. Hundreds of dollars more in premiums than ever offered is the feature of the annual apple fair at Sebastopol this month, the fifth big apple exposition under the auspices of the Sebastopol Gravenstein Apple Fair Association.

The pavilion of canvas covering an acre is up and being brilliantly decorated and lighted. Some unique exhibits are promised in apples this season, including the Liberty Bell, Tower of Jewels, the World's Fair in Miniature, the Living Tower of Camp Meeker and the Fountain of Plenty. Big Waste of Salmon In North Reported Packers on. Cook's Inlet Are Blamed by Game Warden. SEWARD (Alaska), August waste of fish by salmon neries in the vicinity of Cooks inlet is reported by Aron Erickson, game warden, who returned to-day from Cooks inlet.

He says he sailed for two days through schools of dead salmon in the inlet. The packers, according to Erickson, have been leaving the traps closed until packed with fish, which die and spoil before they can be handled. The United States District Attorney will be notified. Rancher Trampled And Gored by Bull Joseph Martinoni Seriously Injured by Animal He Was Leading. PETALUMA, August Martinoni, a rancher of the Occidental district, was nearly gored to death yesterday by a bull.

He was leading the animal when he was knocked down, gored and trampled. A hired man beat the bull off with a club. The injured was taken to Camp Meeker. ribs rancher, were broken and he was internally injured. BUSINESS NOTICES.

CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of I. 0. 0. F. RELIEF REPORT IS MADE Details Given as to Help Rendered Members by Committee.

The semi-annual meeting of the General Relief Committee of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows was held in the Odd Fellows' building yesterday morning. The reporis showed that during the six months' period the committte attended to 214 cases of members outside of San Francisco, expending in this work, $6,244. The committee out of its friendship fund assisted members to the extent of $124.45. In these cases the assistance rendered is in the nature of a loan of honor. Election for officers of the committee resulted, as follows: Amos of California president; J.

J. Clark of Yerba Buena Lodge, vicepresident: A. M. Brand of Western Addition Lodge, secretary, and Albin Johnson of Modini Lodge, treasurer, After the installation B. D.

Rintook, retiring president of the committee, was presented with a gold watch in recognition of his services as vice-president. The newly elected president was presented with a large floral chair. Mrs. A. M.

Brand, wife of the new secretary, was given a token by the retiring president in recognition of much assistance given him during his term. Romance of Office Leads to Wedding Popular Young People of Petaluma Soon to Wed. PETALUMA, August Behrens, cashier of the G. P. McNear company, and Miss Juanita Church, a popular young woman of this city, will be married here this month.

The couple are widely known and prominently connected. The wedding will be the fulfillment of a romance which began in the office of the G. P. McNear company, where both were employed. Behrens resides on the Behrens ranch near this city.

CASH REGISTER NEWS National Cash Registers, like new, two years guarantee, at special reduced prices. Credit or cash. Liberal allowance in trade or cash for your old machine. San Francisco Cash Register 334 Market BUSINESS NOTICES. HOW WOMEN AVOID OPERATIONS By Taking Lydia E.

Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Cleveland, left side pained me so for several years that I expected to have to undergo an operation, but the first bottle I took of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound relievme of the pains in my side and I continued its use until I became regular and free from pains. I had asked several doctors if there was anything I could take to help me and they said there was nothing that they knew of. I am thankful for such a good medicine and will always give it the highest praise." -MRS.

C. H. GRIFFITH, 1568 Constant Cleveland, Ohio. Hanover, suffered from female trouble and the pains were so times that I could not sit dawnat The doctor advised a severe operation, but my husband got me Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and I experienced great relief in a short time.

Now I feel like a new person and can do a hard day's work and not mind it. What joy and happiness it is to be well once more. I am always ready and willing to speak a good word for the Compound." -MRS. ADA WILT, 303 Walnut Hanover, Pa. If there are any complications you do not understand write to Lydia E.

Pinkham Medicine Co. (confidential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by 8 woman and held in strict confidence. LET The Examiner Guide Book TELL YOU Where to Spend Your Vacation -Where to Enjoy the Most Delightful Week-Ends. A Pocket Edition of everything you want to know about the Playgrounds of California.

It is FREE send or write for it to the EXAMINER Information Bureau THIRD AND MARKET STS. If a few responsible parties having Bright's Disease will call with statements signed by reputable physicians to the effect that there is of albumen or more, we will donate treatment in an effort to reduce the albumen in 50 days, by which time the physicians and patients should know they are on the right track and can continue as necessary. Medical authorities declare there nothing to act directly on the secreting renal cells and reduce albumenuria in Bright's Disease. That has been true, but analytical chemistry has established in several 1 thousand cases that there is now such an agent. The presence of albumen is a PHYSICAL FACT and its disappearance FACT PHYSICS.

There is no room for THINKING, it is true or it is not true. What opposes this new fact in physics--nothing but an idea, an old belief which tens of thousands annually succumb. As between an old BELIEF and a new FACT IN PHYSICS, the issue is not for a moment in doubt. This does not mean all cases of Bright's Disease recover, but it does mean where there is a fair heart and recuperative power there can be distinct hope, whether the disease is dropsical or in the chronic form or not. The agent reducing albumenuria in Bright's Disease is Fulton's Renal Compound.

So mild that children take it. Our correspondence with the Profession the number of physicians prescribing this humane agent is Increasing daily. JOHN J. FULTON CO. TRAVEL INFORMATION.

BE IMPEACHED PORTLANDI ROSE CITY, 12 NOON TO-MORROW, AUG. 3. FARE, $7.00, $12.00, $16.00. I RETURN $25.00 Berth and Meals Included LOS ANGELES S. S.


FARE $5.35, $8.35, $9.35 RETURN $16.00 Berth and Meals Included THROUGH TICKETS EAST. The San Francisco Portland S. S. Co. The Line for Comfort and Service.

TICKET OFFICES: 722 Market Phone 2344 12 East. Phone Sutter 2482 Pler 40, Phone Sutter 4479 Oakland: 1228 Broadway, Oak. 1314 35 LOS ANGELES TO. 18 IN HOURS ON THE Yale and Harvard Sailing at 4 P. M.

from Pier FOR LOS ANGELES MondayFOR SAN. DIEGO Wednesday PACIFIC NAVIGATION CO. 680 Market Chronicle Baliciag Phene Butter 310 95 Market Phone Butter 2148 1180 Broadway, Oakland Berkeley Offlee 2011 Shatteek Ava. REDUCED ROUND TRIP SUMMER RATES to all Eastern Points RAIL AND WATER PACIFIC MAIL HONOLULU JAPAN CHINA PHILIPPINES MONGOLIA, 27,000 tons, Sails Aug. 25 Cuisine under the personal supervision of Mr.

V. Moroni, one of the world's most famous caterers. -CENTRAL AMERICAPANAMA -CONNECTIONS FOR SOUTH AMERICA NEWPORT (calls at Mazatian). Sails Tuesday, Aug. 3 SAN JUAN (calls at Manzanillo), Sails Saturday, Aug.

14 PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP PHONE GARFIELD 1201. 384 Flood San Francisco. FRENCH LINE Compagnie Generale Transatlantique POSTAL SERVICE from Sailings NEW YORK to BORDEAUX August 7,3 P.M. ROCHAMBEAU. August 14, 3 P.M.

FOR INFORMATION APPLY Fugazi Pacific Coast Agents, 630 Montgomery St. James B. Duffy, Cabin Agent. 673 Market Agents, San Francisco. TOYO KISEN KAISHA at Manila.


Excellent Meals Included. WEST COAST STEAMSHIP LINE, 683 Market St. 66 Market St. Phone Sutter 1680. NAPA COST VALLEY CAUSTOGA ROUTF MONTICELLO ELECTRIC AN Mare Island Navy Yard Vallejo Napa.

St. Helena Callatogs Boats leave 7.00 9:45 1 12:30. 9-20 6:00. 8:30 Dock and office. North End Ferry Building Phone Sutter 371 Meals a in carta HON HONOLULU 8.

8. MANOA, Angust 3: S. S. MATSONIA, 11: S. S.

LURLINE, August 17: 8. 8. WILHELMINA, August 25. New steamers, ten Pier No. 28.

Rate of fare, one way, $65 and up. Direct service to the Volcano. MATSON NAVIGATION COMPANY, 268 Market street. 8. S.

TENYO Aug. 7, 1915 S. 9. NIPPON MARU, Saloon accommodations at reduced rates. Saturday, Aug.

21, 1915 S. SHINYO MARU. Saturday. Sept. 4, 1915 S.

S. CHIYO Oct. 2. 1915 Steamers sail from Company's Pier, No. 34, near foot of Brannan 1 p.

m. for Yokohama and Hongkong, calling at Honolulu, Kobe (Hiogo). Nagasaki and Shanghai and connecting in Hongkong with steamers for Manila, India, etc. No cargo received on board on day of sailing. Round trip tickets at reduced rates.

For freight and passage apply Fourth Floor, Merchants'. National Bank 625 Market st. W. H. AVERY, Assistant General Manager, Sailing -Los Wednesday, Angeles-Seattle- Sailing TUESDAY Noon Sailing WEDNESDAY 11:30 A.M.

THURSDAY, 4 P. M. $12 Round Trip $32.50 Round Trip ALL FARES INCLUDE BERTH AND MEALS. Cheaper than staying at home TICKETS 16 653 and Market 112 St. Market (Palace St.

Hotel) Oakland: 1226 Broadway. PACIFIC COAST STEAMSHIP CO. to the Cast Grand Canyon is just off the main Reduced line of the Santa Fe Rates Seeit on your way east. On Sale August 4-5-13-14 Only four more sale dates for round trip cursion tickets to the East. The Santa Fe is the cool summer way.

Safe Comfortable Fast Santa Fe City Offices 673 Market Street San Francisco Phone Kearny 315 1218 Broadway, Oakland Phone Lakeside 425 American-Hawaiian S. S. Co. Operating 25 Steamships Under the American Flag. (Now building Floridan.

Aborean and Artisan) Ret weenNew York San Francisco Boston Los Angel Norfolk Portland Charleston Seattle, Tacoma LINE Hawaiian Islands Frequent Freight Sailings Eastbound and West bound. PASSENGER SERVICE S. HONOLULAN" SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR NEW YORK JULY 30TH VIA THE PANAMA CANAL First-Class accommodations only, Three weeks en route. Rate, $150. includes berth and meals, For Further information Apply WILLIAMS, DIMOND co.


M. Direct Connections at Seattle for ALASKA SPECIAL RATES TO ALL POINTS Admiral Evans-Admiral Watson Sailings 5th, 15th, 25th each month PACIFIC- ALASKA NAVIGATION CO. 680 Market St. Sutter 310 95 Market St. Sutter 2142 Folsom St.

Wharf, Pier 20 Phone Kearny 5040 Oakland: 1130 Broadway. Oak. 3523 THERE grummm THE TWIN PALACES of the PACIFIC S. S. GREAT NORTHERN S.


SAME THE AS BY RAIL -TICKET OFFICES657-665-685 MARKET ST. Phone Sutter 6842 MEXICAN NATIONAL TRADING CO. Steamship Line to Mazatian, Manzanilio, Acapulco and Salina Cruz (Other ports, including Balboa, if sufficient inducements offer.) S. S. FAIRHAVEN (Freight and Combustibles) S.

8. SAN 7 (Passengers and Freight) For Mazatian, San Bias, Manzanillo, Acapulco, Salina Cruz, Ocos, Champerico, San Jose de Guatemala and Acajutla. J. A. DELGADO, Freight Agent 112 Market St.

Phone Garfield 1079 Passenger Department 66 and 683 Market St. SOUTHERN PACIFIC TIME SCHEDULES "NIGHT AND DAY TELEPHONE SERVICE" For Train Arrivals and Departures, Fares, Tickets and Routes of Travel: Third and Townsend Streets Station, San Francisco, Phone Sutter 6280. Oakland Pier Station, by boats to or from Ferry Station, San Francisco, Phone Sutter 6300. General Information Phone Sutter 6300 Flood Bullding, or Douglas 2382, Ferry Station. ON AND AFTER JUNE 15, 1915, TRAINS LEAVE AND ARE DUE TO ARRIVE AT SAN FRANCISCO AWES NORTHWESTERN PACIFIC Leave.

VIA SAUSALITO Arrive. Petaluma, Santa Rosa, Guerneville. Monte Rio, Cazadero. Petaluma, Santa Rosa, Healds' burg, Cloverdale, Ukiah, Willita, Port Bragg, Longvale. Dos Rios, Ft.

Seward, Scotia, Fortuna, Fernbridge, Eureka, Arcata, Woodaere, Woodacre, Lagunitas, Pt. Reyes $12 Vineburg, Sonoma, Glen Ellen Petaluma, Santa Rosa, Guerneville, Monte Rio, Pt. Reyes, Camp Meeker, Monte Rio, Duncan Mills, Cazadero Vineburg, Sonoma, Glen Ellen. Woodacre, Lagunitas, Pt. Reyes Petaluma, Santa Rosa, burg (to Sonoma and Glen Ellen week days Wordacre, Lagunitaa, Pt.

Reyes 5:350 Petaluma, Santa Rosa, Guerneville, Monte Rio, Duncan Mills 10:356 Lagunitas, Point Reyes, Camp Meeker, Monte Rio, 810:352 Petaluma. Santa Rosa, Healde burg. Cloverdale, Ukiah, Willits, 11:378 Woodacre. Lagunitas. Vineburg.

Sonoma, Glen Healdsburz 9:308 Petaluma, Sta. Rosa. Woodacre, Lagunitas, Pt. Reyes 18 Woodacre. Lagunita.

Reyes 9:05 Daily except Sunday. only. Saturdays only. only. Arrives daily 10:35 M.

Arrives daily 7:05 P. M. ELECTRIC SUBURBAN VIA SAUSALITO. Sausalito, Mill Valley. San Rafael, Fairfax.

Manor--Daily every 30 minutes from 6:45 A. until 9:45 A. then hourly until 2:45 P. then 3:15 M. and every 30 minutes until 7:45 P.

then 9:30, 11:15 P. M. and 19:30 A. M. (13:30 A.

M. to Manor Sundays Extra trips on Sundays, 10:15, 11:15 A. M. and 12:15 and 1:15 P. M.

San Quentin via San Rafael--Leaves daily at 8:45 A. M. and 1:45 P. M. Tiburon and Belvedere- Daily every hour from 6:45 A.

M. until 1:45 P. then 3:11 P. M. and every hour until 6:15, then 7:45, 9:30.

11:15 P. M. and 12:30 A. M. FAST ELECTRIC TRAINS TO LEAVE KEY ROUTE FERRY Leave Daily Except AS Noted.

7:20 A Sacramento, Tallac, Pittsburg. Bay Marysville, Colusa, Oroville, Chico, Woodland. Observation car. 8:00 A Concord. Diablo and Way.

Sacramento, Dixon. Pittsburg. Chico. Woodland. Carries Parlor Observ.

car. 9:40 A Pinehurst. Diablo, Concord. Sun. onlr.

A Sacramento. Pittsburg, and Way. Sacramento, Pittsburg. Chico and Way. 8:00 Sacramento, Dixon, Pittsburg.

Marysville. Coneord and Way Stations. 4:40 Pittsburg. Sacramento, Marysville. Oroville and Chico.

Observation car. P'itsburg. Danville and Way, except Sun. Woodland, Pittsburg and Way. OAKLAND, ANTIOCH EASTERN RAILWAY Key Route Ferry, Phone Sutter 2339.


TAMALPAIS AND MUIR WOODS New Schedule, Effective June 15. 6 Trains Daily, Including Sunday Leave Sausalito Ferry, Ft. Market 9.15 A. 10:45 a. a.

1:45 p. 11:45 2:45 p. 4:45 p. m. Unequaled Evening View Exposition Illumination.

Leave 8. 4:45 p. m. Leave Tamalnais 9:00 n. m.

Arrive 9. 10:35 D. In. Tickets at Ferry Station, N. w.

P. Market 874 Market Thos. -Judah, 687 Cook Sons, 689 Market and most hotels. Office General Agent, 215 MONADNOCK Phone Sutter 5190. Los Angeles $7:35 $5:35 Round $12.70 First Trip Class Berth and Meals Included SAILING WEDNESDAY.

AUG. 4 Modern Steel Passenger S. S. AROLINE From Vallejo Street 7 P. M.

INDEPENDENT 8. co. 648A MARKET STREET Opp. Palace Hotel--Telephone Sutter er 1524. MAY 16, 1915 San Francisco Union Ferry Depot AUSTRALIA HONOLULU AND SOUTH SEAS Shortest Line (19 days) Quickest Time Splendid American Steamers (Rated Lloyds 100 A1) Honolulu $130 Hound, Class Sydney $337.50 HONOLULU and SYDNEY sailings Aug.

3, 31, and every 28 days. Sallings 2 P. M. Full Information Apply Oceanic S. S.

Co. (Sydney Short Line) 673 Market San Fraucisco. Ph. Sutter 648. AUSTRALIA NEW ZEALAND and SOUTH SEAS Sydney, via Tahiti, Rarotonga and Wellingtou.

The (dis.) R. M. S. "MATTAI SAILS AUGUST 18, AT 11 A. M.

Further sellings September 15, October 13, etc. Union S. Co. of New Zealand HIND, ROLPH 00., General Agents, 679 Market St. Tel.

Douglas Foot of Market Street Via OAKLAND PIER Leave (Subject to change without notice) Arrive 2.15a Niles, Livermore, Tracy, Lathrop, Stockton, Lodi, Galt (Ione), Elk Grove, Sacramento, Roseville, Colfax 10.40p 2.15a Sacramento, Marysville, Oroville, Gridley, Biggs, Durham, 10.40p 6.20a Vallejo, Mare 9.10a 6.20a Richmond, Port Costa, SuisunFairfield, Dixon, 7.30p 6.20a Elmira, Vacaville, Winters, Rumsey. 7.30p 6.40a Richmond, Port Costa, Martinez, Antioch, Byron Hot Springs, Tracy, Patterson, Newman, Los Banos, Ingle, Kerman, 11.200 6.40a San Leandro, Niles, San 7.108 4 720a THE STATESMAN Richmond, Port Costa, Benicia, Suisun-Fairfield, Dixon, Sacramento, Marysville, Oroville, Chico, Red Bluff, Redding Dunsmuir 7.30p Davis, Woodland, Williams (Colusa), Maxwell, Willows, Orland, (Hamilton), Corning, Tehama, Red Bluff 7.30p 7.20a Niles, Pleasanton, Livermore, Tracy, Lathrop, Stockton (Oakdale), Lodi, Galt (Lone, Jackson, Amador City, Sutter Creek), Elk Grove, Sacramento 7.30p 7.208 Tracy, Patterson, Newman, Los Ingle, Kerman, Fresno, 4.30p 7.20a Saturdays only--Yosemite Valley 7.50p 8.00a Richmond, Vallejo, Napa, Calistoga, Santa Rosa, Crockett, Port Costa. 10.10a 8.00a Avon, Walnut Creek, San 6.30p 8.00a Newark, West San Jose, Los Gatos, Wright, Felton (Ben Lomond, Boulder Creek), Santa 5.500 9.000 Irvington, San 9.30a 8.00a Niles, Pleasanton, Livermore, Stockton Valley Spring, Ludi, Galt, Elk Grove, 4.30p 9.00a Cooperstown, Chinese, Jamestown, (Angels), Sonora, 2.50p 9.008 4.30p 9.00a Port Costa, Benicia, 2.300 field, Dixon, Davis, 10.40p 0.00a GOLDFIELD Colfax, Truekee, Reno, Hazen, Wabuska (Yerrington, Hudson), Mina, 'Tonopah, Goldfield, Laws, 8.10a 8.20a BAKERSFIELD Richmond, Port Costa, Martinez, Byron Hot Springs, Tracy, Merced, Chowchilla, Madera, Fresno, Selma, at ford, Armona, Kossi, Visalia), TuKingsburg, Goshen Junction (Hanlare, Bakerstield. 4.100 8.20a Sanger, Lindsay, Porterville, Ducor, 7.50p 9.20a 7.50a 10.00p 9.20a Yosemite Valley via test up 10.20a "PACIFIC LIMITED" Ogden, Cheyenne, Omaha, Chicago--Salt Lake City, Denver, Kansas City, St. Louis 9.30a 10.20a Colfax, Truckee, Reno, Hazen, Lovelock, Winnemueca, Battle Mountain, Palisade, Elko, Wells, Cobre.

9.30a 10.40a Vallejo Up MAUa LOS ANGELES PASSENGER Richmond, Port Costa, Martinez, Byron Hot Springs, Tracy, ton, Merced, Madera, Fresno, Kingsburg, Goshen. Junction (Hanford, Coalinga, Visalia), Bakerstield, Los Angeles, San 7.50a 10.408 Rock Island Tourist Car, Kansas City, St. Louis, 7.50p 81.008 SHASTA LIMITED Portland, Tacoma, Seattle. 6.50p 12.00n Richmond. Port Costa, Benicia.

Suisun-F'airneid, Dixon, 4.30p Marysville, Chico, Red 4. SUp PORTLAND EXPRESS Richmond, Davis, Williams (Colusa), Willows, Corning, Red Bluff, Orland, Weed, Ashland, Roseburg, Portland, Tacoma, Seattle. 7.30a 1.00p San Leandro, Niles, Centerville, 9.10a Newark, San 7.50p 1.200 Niles, Irvington, San Jose. 2.50p 1.40p Newark, Alviso, Agnew, Santa Clara, 10.00p 2.20p SAN FRANCISCO, LIMITED Ogden, Denver, Kansas City, Omaha, Chicago. 8.50p (8.20p Port Costa, Benicia, Coltax, Elmira, Truckee, Davis, Reno, Sacramento, Hazen, Lovelock, Winnemucca, Biko, Cobre, Ogden 2.20n Vallejo, Mare 7.30p Suup Richmond, Benicia, Suisun-Fairfield, Dixon, Sacramento Woodland, Tudor, Yuba City, 10.50a 3.000 Elmira, Vacaville, Winters.

10.50a 3.2up Richmond, Port Costa, Martinez. Byron Hot Springs, Modesto, Merced, Madera, 10.00p 4.00p OVERLAND LIMITED Denver. Kansas City, St. Louis, Umana, Chicago. 10.10a 4.000 Niles, Livermore, Tracy, 2.50p 4.0Up Vallejo, Port Costa.

Martinez, Concord, Walnut Creek, Danville, San Ramon, Livermore. 9.10a 4.00p Napa, St. Helena, Calistoga, Glen Ellen, Santa 6.30p 4.40p SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY FLYERRichmond, Port Costa, Byron Hot Springs, Tracy, Lathrop, Modesto, Merced, Fresno, Selma, Kingsburg, Goshen Junction (Visalia), Tulare, Bakersfield, Mojave, Saugus, Los Angeles, San 1.100 74.400 San Leandro, Niles, San 6.10p b.w0p EL DORADO- Richmond (Vallejo), Port Costa, Benicia, Sacramento, Roseville, Marysville Lincoln, (Oroville), "Gridley, Wheatland, Biggs, Chico. 11.300 5.00p Davis, Woodland, Arbuckle, William (Colusa), Maxwell, Willows, Orland, Corning, Tehama 10.40n 5.000 Tracy, Stockton, Lodi, Sacramento. 10.10a 5.00p Patterson, Newman, Los Banos, Dos Palos, Kerman, 10.00p 5.00p Sunol, Pleasanton, Livermore.

8.30a 5.00p Niles, Irvington, San 7.10a 5.00p Alvarado, Newark, San 11.10a 5.20p (Daily except Sunday) San Leandro, Lorenzo, Hayward, Niles, Pleasanton, Livermore, Tracy. 2.50p 6.00p OWL LIMITED- -Fresno, Bakersfield, Los Angeles, San 8.50a 6.00p GOLDEN STATE LIMITED Standard Sleeper for Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago. 8.50a 6.00p (Sunday only)-Richmond, Pinole, Vallejo, Port Costa, Martinez, Avon, Bay Point. 110.10p 8.40p Hayward, Niles and San 7.30p 7.00p ATLANTIC EXPRESS Ogden, Prebio, Denver, Kansas City, St.

Louis, Chicago. 8.50p 2.00p Richmond, Port Costa, Suisun-Fairfield, Dixon, Sacramento, Colfax, Truckee, Reno, Fernley (Wadsworth, Susan ville, West wood), Hazen (Fallon), Elko, 8.50p 7.40p (Sunday only) San Niles, Leandro, Livermore, Tracy, Stockton. 2.50p Lorenzo. Hayward, 18.20p OREGON -Richmond, Sacramento, Roseville, Marysville, Redding, Weed, Shasta Syrings, Seattle, Ashland, Portland, Tacoma, Spokane 12.50p 9.00p SEASHORE EXPRESS--San Jose, Gilroy, Salinas, Gonzales, Soledad, King City, Paso Robles HotSprings, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Los Angeles, San Diego. 10.10a 9.00p SUNSET EXPRESS--Los Angeles, Colton, Maricops (Phoenix), Tueson, Bowie, El Paso, San Antonio, Houston, New Orleans and East.) Arrive 3rd St.

Station. 1.00p 81.40p OILFIELDS FLYER Richmond, Port Costa, Tracy, Modesto, Merced, Madera, Fresno, Selma, Goshen Junction, Tulare, 7.500 11.40p Visalia, Hanford, Armona, Lemoore, Huron, Coalinga. 7.50a 11.40p Sanger, Exeter, Lindsay, Porterville, Terra Bella, 7.50a 81.40p Yosemite Valley Sleeper via Merced 7.50a 01.40p SOUND SPECIAL -Benicia, Suisun-Fairfield, Dixon, Sacramento, Marysville, Shasta Springs Weed, (Klamath Falls), Ashland, Portland, Tacoma, Seattle 9.30p Baggage checks are collected on trains or boats of Southern Pacific Company and baggage delivered to Third and Townsend Streets Via COAST LINE Leave (Subject to change without notice) Arrive 5.05a Valencia Street, Ocean View, C'olma, Cemeteries, Baden, San 6.35a 6.30a South San Francisco, San Jose, Morganhill, Gilroy (Hollister, Tres Pinos), Sargent, Watsonville, Aptos, Capitola, Santa Cruz. 8.100 6.30a Los Altos, Monta Vista, Los Gatos. 8.00a 7.00a Burlingame, Redwood City, Mayfield, San 7.200 7.00a Los Altos, Monta Vista, Los Gatos.

8.40a 8.00a Shore Line Limited-Paso Robles Hot Springs, Santa Barbara, Los 9.30p 8.05a COASTER, -San Jose, Morganhill, Salinas, (Hollister), Soledad, King City, Paso Robles Hot Springs, San Luis Obispo, Lompoo June. (Lompoc), Santa Barbara, Ventura, Oxnard, Los Angeles, San 10.55p 8.05a Watsonville, Santa Cruz Del Monte, Monterey, Pacific 10.55p 8.10a SCENIC LOCAL -Mayfield, Los Altos, Wright, Glenwood (Boulder Creek), Santa Cruz, Aptos, Watsonville Del Monte, Monterey, Pacific 9.30p 9.00a San Jose, Morganhill, Gilroy, Sargent, Salina, Soledad, San Miguel, Paso Robles Hot Springs, San Luis Obispo. 4.00p 9.00a Hollister, Tres Pinos- Watsonville. Santa Cruz Del Monte, Monterey, Pacific Grove. 4,000 9.00a Los Altos, Monta Vista, Los Gatos.

12.30p 10.40a South San Francisco, Burlingame, San Mateo, Redwood City, Palo Alto, 2.009 10.40a Los Altos, Monta Vista, Los Gatos, 2.00n 11.30a Valencia Street, Ocean View, Colma, 7.30a Cemeteries, Baden, San 2.30p 11.40a South San Francisco, San Jose 6.30a 1.20p San Bruno, Burlingame, San Mateo, Redwood City, Palo Alto, Sanr Clara, San Jose. 11.45a 1.200 Los Altos. Monta Vista, Los Gatos. 4.0Up 2.10p DEL MONTE EXPRESS San Jose, Morganhill, Gilroy, Sargent, Watsonville, Santa Cruz, Del Monte, Monterey, Pacitic Grove, (Salinas). 12.30p 3.00p South San Francisco, San Mateo, Redwood City, San Jose, Morganhill, Gilroy (Hollister, 'Tres Pinos), Watsonville, Santa 10.108 3.00p Salina--Del Monte, Monterey, Pacific 12.300 3.25p Burlingame, San Mateo, Redwood City, Palo Alto, Mayheld.

5.300 3.250 Los Altos, Monta Vista, Los Gatos. b.sup 4. Up (Daily except Sunday)-Mayheld, Los Altos, Los Gatos, Laurel, Glenwood, Felton (Boulder Creek), Santa Cruz. 9.508 8.20m South San Francisco, San Jose. 7 GDa palup SUNSET LIMITED San Jose, Salinas, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Los Angeles, Colton, Niland, Yuma, Maricopa (Phoenix).

Tucson, Benson, Bowie, Lordsburg, Deming, El Pago, San Antonio, Houston, New Orleans and 1.00p 5.00p Tourist Sleeper Washington-Sunset Route for New Orleans, Washington, D. and 1.00p 5.05p Burlingame, San Mateo, Redwood, Palo Alto, Mayfield, Santa Clara, San 7.350 5.20p Redwood, Atherton, Menio Park, Palo Alto. Mayfield, Mountain View, Sunnyvale, San 8.20R 5.20n Los Altos, Monta Vista, Los Gatos. 7.40p Easton, San Mateo, Belmont, Kedwood City. 7.45p 5.30p Valencia Street, Ocean View, Cemeteries, Baden, San 7.150 5.40p San Bruno, San Mateo, Redwood, 8.00 Palo Alto, Santa Clara, San Jose.

8.40a 5.40n Los Altos, Monta Vista, Los Gatos. 8.40a Duop (Daily except Sunday)- dan Bruno, San Mateo, Redwood City, Palo Alto, Mayfield (Ar. San Francisco daily ex. Sat. and R.4.0 6.05n Los Altos, Monta Vista, Los Gatos.

6.Ubp (Saturday only)-Mountain View. Lawrence. Santa Clara, San Jose, (Ar. Sat. and Sun.

11.550 6.30n South San Francisco, San 9.UUR 8.4Up THE LARK -Santa Barbara, Los Angeles, San Diego. 9.45a 8.100 San Jose and Way Stations. 5.500 8.100 Los Altos, Monta 11.550 10.000 South San Francisco, San 7.308 44.45p South San Francisco, Paio Alto, San 9.40% 11.45n Los Altos, Monta 9.300 LOCAL FERRY TRAINS ELECTRIC SERVICE- -Via Oakland Pier. To Oakland, 16th and Berkeley via Shattuck Ave. or Ellsworth St.

Lines 0.00 a. m. and every twenty minutes until 8.20 p. inclusive; then 9.00, 9.40, 10.20, 11.00, 11.40 p. 12.20 and 1.20 a.m.

Additional boats Saturdays and Sundays only, 8.40 p. 9.20, 10.00. 10.40 and 11.20 p.m. To Berkeley via California Street or Albany via Ninth Street $6.00 a. 16.20, 17.00 a.

and every twenty minutes until 8.20 p. inclusive: then 9.00, 9.40, 10.20, 11.00, 11.40 p. 12.20 and 1.20 a. m. Additional boats Saturdays and Sundays only, 8.40 p.

0.20, 10.00, 10.40 and 11.20 p. m. To Oakland, 14th and Franklin 16.00 via Oakland, 16.20, 16th and 18th a. 16.40 a. and every twenty minutes until 8.20 p.

inclusive: then 9.00, 9.40, 10.20, 11.00. 11.40, p. and 12.20 a. m. Additional boats Saturdays Sundays only, 8.40 p.

9.20, 10.00, 10.40 aud and 11.20 p.m. To Oakland, Washinaton-Broadwav, East Oakland, Fruitvale and Mieirose, via Seventh 6.00 a. then every twenty minutes until 8.20 p. inclusive; then 9.00, 0.40, 10.20, 11.00, 11.40 p. 12.20 and 1.20 a.m.

8.40 Additional 9.20, 10.00, boats Saturdays and Sundays only, p. 10.40 and 11.20 p.m. To Havenscourt-Daily-From 6.00 a. m. and every twenty minutes until 7.40 p.

inclusive: then 8.20, 9.00, 11.40 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays only, 9.40, 10.00, 10.40 and 11.20 p. m. To Dutton a. 6.20.

6.40, 7.00, 7.20, 7.40, 8.00, 8.40, 9.20, 10.00. 10.40, 11.20 a.m., 12.00 p. 12.40, 1.20, 2.00, 2.40, 3.20, 4.00, 4.20, 4.40, 5.00, 5.20, 5.40, 6.00, 6.20, 6.40, 7.40, 8.20, Pacino 9.00. Horsesnoe via 7th Fruitvale and 3rd and Alameda, North 6.00 a.m., 16.20, 6.40, 7.00, 7.20, 7.40, 8.00, 8.20, 8.40, 9.40, 11.00 a.m.; then 12.20 p. 1.40, 3.00, 4.00, 4.20, 4.40, 5.00, 5.20, 5.40, 6.00, 6.20, 6.40, 7.00, 7.40, 9.00.

10.20, 11.40 p. m. To Alameda, Park via 7th 9.00 a.m., 9.20, 9.40, 10.20, 11.00, 11.40 a.m., 12.20 p. 1.00, 1.40, 2.20, 2.40, 3.20, 7.20, 8.00, 8.20, 9.00, 9.40, 10.20 and 11.00 p. m.

To Stonehurst (Steam 16.40, 17.20, 19.00, 110.00 a. 11.20 p. 12.00, $3.00, 13.20, $5.00, and 16.20 p. m. ELECTRIC SERVICE- Via Alameda Pier.

To Oakland, 14th and Franklin 1 6.15, 6.45 a. and then 15 and 45 minutes pant the hour until 7.45 p. then 8.30, 9.10, 10.00, 10.45, 11.30 p. m. and 12.15 a.m.

To Alameda, North and South Side.6.15, 6.45 a.m., and then 15 and 45 minutes past the hour until 7.45 p. then 8.30, 9.15, 10.00, 10.45. 11.30 p. 12.15 and 1.15 a. m.

Grill Room on Ferry Boats between San Francisco, Oakland Pier, Alameda Pier and Oakland Harbor Route. SACRAMENTO RIVER STEAMERS stopping both ways at al' poir to en ronte. OAKLAND MOTORCYCLES PARBOR AND FERRY VEHICLES. AUTOMOBILES, From San Francisco, South End Ferry Building, for Broadway Wharf, 6.00 a. m.

daily, and every half hour until 9.00 p.m., inclusive: then 69.30 p. p. $10.30 p.m., p.m., $12.00 a. m. From Broadway Wharf, Oakland, for San 6.15 a.m., daily, and every balf hour until 8,45 p.

inclusive; then 59.15 p.m., p. $10.15 p. $10.45 p. $12.00 12.45 a. m.

Morning. Afternoon. excepted. only. and Important Holidays onls.

From Pacific Street Wharf, Pier No. 7. The Netherlands Route offers exceptional oppor tunity for Autoists to reach points Rio on Sacramente River; Collineville, Emmaton, Vista, Isleton, Ryde, Walnut Grove, Vorden, Courtland, Clarksburg, Sacramento. Steamer Navajo leaves San Francisco 8.30 a. daily except Sunday, arriving Sacramento 7.00 p.

m. at all points en route. Leaves Sacramento Stopping 9.00 p.m., daily except Sunday, arriving San Francisco 7.00 a. m. No stops en route.

Modec or Apache leaves San Francisco 12 Steamer noon daily, except Funday, arrives Sacramento about 4.00 a.m. Laves Sacramento a. m. 10.00 daily except Sunday, arrives San Francieco about 11.55 p.m...

The San Francisco Examiner from San Francisco, California (2024)
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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Author information

Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.